A Hidden Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,68

reached out of the spellshape, and then calmed as the questing fingers met and easily linked. Ah, Ginia’s Net power. They’d hoped having her in the earth trio would make power blending easier. This was much easier.

Next she reached to Uncle Marcus and Gran, and the containing spells their trios had readied. No, wait. Those needed to layer over the outside. Visualizing as clearly as she could for Kevin, she backed the two containing spells away and reached for the fire trio’s spellshape.

It’s not a bomb, she reminded herself. It won’t go off until you tell it to. Still, she pulled it toward the earth spell with infinite gentleness. When the two linked, the power jolt was sharp and bright.

It’s just Aervyn again, Kevin sent, apparently an old hand at dealing with their super-witchling now.

Layering the containing spells around the final shape was quick and easy. Elorie paused for a few seconds, appreciating. This moment would never come again.

Each trio had included a trigger in their spell, and Elorie began the release. For this, at least, she had insisted on tradition—her very first rhyming spell.

“Fire, water, air, and wind.

Shaped and melded, bent and twinned.

Guide our magic to its place.

Form a gift of earth and space.

With our magic, four times three,

As we will, so mote it be.”

As she finished, she let go the hold on her Net power and pushed. This would take everything she had.

No longer was she sitting in the eye of the hurricane. She was the hurricane. Power blew around the circle, through her and Kevin in the center, and into the gigantic spellshape that connected them all.

Fourteen witches held steady and created a gift from their hearts.

The spell dimmed, and Elorie felt herself swaying. Uncle Marcus’s gruff voice came in her ear. “Next time, save enough to keep you standing.” She might have been irritated if his hands, holding her steady, hadn’t been so very gentle. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Aervyn. Had they done it?

His eyes closed for a moment, mindspeaking with Lauren, who was at the site where their spell should have formed. When he levitated in glee, it was all Elorie needed to know.

Thirteen witches looked entirely delighted. Moira was utterly mystified. “Whatever did you do, my sweet girl?”

Elorie laughed. “It’s a surprise, Gran. The best surprise ever. But we can’t tell you until tonight.”

Chapter 16

“Well,” Nell said, “this qualifies as my oddest hot-tub experience.”

Sophie handed down sandwiches and lemonade into the empty, rock-lined pit. “You just need to have a little imagination.”

Nell grinned. “It’d have to be pretty active to turn you into a steamy guy.” She nudged Elorie. “You’re going to be sneaking over here at night with Aaron.”

“So he tells me. I hope Gran will enjoy it.” Elorie frowned, looking around. “Do you think it’s going to work? I don’t want to put too much pressure on Sean.”

It was Sean’s job, in the last circle of the day, to turn the empty basin into a beautiful, magically hot-springs-fed natural pool.

Nell laughed. “Relax, girl. You did most of the heavy lifting with your circle earlier this afternoon.”

Sophie nodded in agreement. “Totally. Gran and Lizzie are up taking a nap together, Aervyn passed out on the back porch, and Ginia’s snoring in the hammock.”

Nell patted the rock beside her. “My fire punk did nice work melting these rocks together, but it’s the earth trio who did the really heavy lifting. Why aren’t you sleeping too, Soph?”

Sophie leaned back, appreciating the sun-warmed smoothness, and grinned. “Apparently, pulling a nice layer of rocks to the surface of the earth is an aphrodisiac for some.” And how. They’d burned off plenty of energy, and then Mike had gone out for a run with his leftovers.

“Dang,” Nell said. “Next time I wanna be in the earth trio.”

Elorie giggled. “Then you’d better bring Daniel with you.”

Sophie quirked an eyebrow, glad to see Elorie in a nice, uncomplicated moment of happiness. “How about you, spellmistress? I bet Aaron’s a pretty happy guy right about now, too.”

“He was, until he discovered several witches trying to cook potions in his kitchen. Now I think he’s busy making ‘Keep Out’ signs and trying to convince the twins to cast hexes for him.”

Sophie wondered lazily whether she might talk Aaron into giving Mike some cooking lessons. For some reason, all her potions on the stove tended to make him a little nervous. Silly witch. She almost never got them mixed up.

Nell looked over at Elorie. “Yup. She’s a goner.”

Sophie blinked.

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