A Hidden Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,59

to see that. Maybe I can bribe him into a repeat performance.”

She elbowed him, mostly in jest. “He doesn’t need any more encouragement. After today’s escapades, the witchlings are going to be on the rampage.”

“Yes, they are. I’ve set up the picnic tables so we can eat outside tomorrow.”

“Trying to keep them out of the inn, are you?” Her husband was a smart man. Witchling practical jokes could be really messy.

“Darn straight. And I expect some folks will start arriving for the gathering, so that way it’s easier to feed whoever shows up.”

“You know it’s not your job to feed everyone, right?”

“It’s my pleasure; you know that.” He grinned and fed her a strawberry. It was luscious—dripping goodness with a chaser of chocolate. “Besides, the fridge downstairs is stuffed full of food people have been dropping by all day, and Lizzie’s parents are going to do a lobster bake on the beach tomorrow night. It’s not all on me; there’s plenty of help.”

“Good.” Elorie yawned. As her magic-induced high slowly wore off, she was sinking into the serious exhaustion underneath.

Aaron kissed her head. “Big day. You should get some sleep. The weekend’s going to be busy.”

No kidding. Throngs of people, never-ending food, and the shared joy of magic. It was the kind of busy she loved most.

Her husband settled a hand on her belly. “If we made a baby with all that energy, I bet she’ll be one very active little girl.”

A baby. In the aftermath of their magical escapades, she’d forgotten to tell Aaron something important. “We’re not the only ones. I think Sophie and Mike are getting really serious. He gave her a daffodil.”

Aaron tugged her hair. “Translate, please. That’s not covered in the guy manual.”

She giggled. “It means we may not be the only ones trying to make a baby tonight.”

His chest rumbled with laughter under her ear. “Moira will be thrilled.”

As she slid into sleep, Elorie made a mental note to ask Sophie about magic and babies. She couldn’t ask Gran—she’d never hear the end of it.

Chapter 14

Elorie looked around. In an attempt to reassert her responsible-adult persona, she’d called an all-hands logistics meeting. Aaron had the weekend’s food and guests under control, but they needed a plan for the magical part of the program.

Moira sipped her morning tea. “I think we should have three circles, dear.”

Three? Elorie frowned. That was a lot of circles for one day. “Why so many?”

“Well, we’ve a lot of new witches for the inner circle, and a request to help with the algae blooms again.”

Elorie nodded. Algae blooms along the shore disrupted the lobster beds, one of the main livelihoods of the village. They were often asked to give a little magical push to the ocean’s natural cleansing systems. It was one of the many reasons the village of Fisher’s Cove embraced their local witches.

“The best time for that work is early morning. We can put some of our witchlings in that one, but we’ll need an experienced caster—that’s tricky work.”

Sophie refilled teacups. “Mike’s happy to do that, if you’d like. He’s a solid spellcaster.”

Nell snorted. “He’s a lot better than solid.”

“He’ll do nicely, I think,” Moira said. “Let’s test him today with our local channelers, see who might be the best fit. Dealing with the algae involves a lot of water and air power, so we need to make sure those circle trios are strong.”

Elorie thought for a moment. “Lizzie’s ready, and she’d be a very nice addition to our full circles for water.”

She was pleased when Gran nodded. “Aye, she’s a mighty water witch for such a little thing. Summer is an auspicious time for her first full circle.”

“If you could use help on air,” Nell said, “I have another pint-sized witch to suggest.”

That would work. Aervyn was a powerhouse. “He does well with Uncle Marcus, so that’s a good choice.”

“So,” Moira started counting off on her fingers. “Marcus on air point, Sophie for earth. Nell, you’ll handle fire for us, please?”

Nell nodded. “Who’s trio leader on water?”

Moira sighed. “That will still be me, but with Lizzie’s power, it will be a much easier job than usual.”

“Aervyn can handle point for a trio, if you want.” Nell reached for a scone. “Jamie’s been working with him on that. He has water talents, but I don’t think you want both him and Lizzie in the same trio.”

Elorie shook her head, remembering their squabbles of the day before. “No, and that would leave Sean on air with Uncle Marcus, which

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