A Hidden Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,32

she was riding a wave of euphoria. As a witch—well, that was the proverbial whale on the beach.

Truly, it was hard to think of herself as a witch just yet. And even harder to think of herself as a witch with a weird new power, especially when that new power didn’t seem much good for anything.

Oh, it had been an amazing rush to feel the whoosh inside her head as she activated her talent purposefully for the first time. It shamed her a little to admit it, but it had also been nice to see witches looking at her with magical respect for once.

But growing up with Gran had instilled strong values, and the first of those was that witches didn’t have magic—witches did magic, for the greater good of the witching community and the planet.

So when the lights had gone on inside her head, she’d asked the question any witch raised with Gran would ask. “What can I do with it?”

Aervyn’s answer had left her empty. “I don’t know, but it’s really pretty!”

If she wanted something pretty, she’d make a necklace. Power was meant to work, to do, to give. If hers couldn’t do anything, then she was a fairly useless witch.

Elorie realized she was now marching down the beach like a two-year-old having a tantrum. She paused, wrapping her arms around her waist.

She knew what she needed. Home.

She’d caught Aaron on her cell phone as she left the Art Fair, but she really needed Gran’s wisdom right about now. Gran had offered via the grapevine to stay up late for a video chat, but Elorie had reached her limits with computers. She just wanted to be home.

She realized her eyes were casting around the beach. Silly girl, looking for sea glass on the wrong side of the world. She was a fish out of water here. She wasn’t a coder, or a modern witch. She was Elorie Shaw—artist, organizer, wife.

One more day as Elorie Shaw, art-fair sensation, and then she would go home.

Chapter 8

Moira: Good morning, Nell. How is my girl doing?

Nell: She’s having a wonderful time at the Art Fair. I’ve been hearing reports from friends stopping by. It’s sounds like she’s one of the stars of the show, and she’s already been invited back for next year.

Sophie: I’m so happy for her.

Lauren: It’s no surprise—her stuff is gorgeous, and I say that as someone who doesn’t usually get all gooey over jewelry.

Nell: Ha. She made a pendant for the baby. Even Jamie got all gooey.

Moira: She’s got a gift, and I’m delighted to see her using it so well. And how is it with her new powers?

Nell: It’s a bit more rocky there. She’s had a lot thrown at her all at once.

Lauren: I so remember how that feels.

Moira: I was hoping to video chat with her, but I think perhaps she’s avoiding me.

Lauren: More likely she’s avoiding the computer, Moira. They’re not her favorite objects right now.

Moira: Well, I can understand that—they’re devilish little devices.

Lauren: They hold the mysterious thing that has upended her life. It’s a lot to deal with all at once. She very much wants to see you—that much I couldn’t avoid picking up from her. Her mental place of safety and security is rooted at your kitchen table.

Moira: That seems a lot to be reading from her mind, my dear.

Lauren: It’s not intentional. Her mind is more open than anyone I’ve ever met. I have to completely barrier to avoid her thoughts, and I can’t do that during training and monitoring.

Moira: That’s odd. Marcus hasn’t said anything, and he’s a solid mind witch. Our witchlings have picked up some of her stray thoughts, but they lack training yet.

Lauren: Now that I think of it, I don’t remember noticing it when the two of you visited in the spring, although I had a lot on my mind then.

Sophie: Perhaps her new magics are opening her mind channels. Didn’t you say Net power looked a lot like mind power?

Lauren: Duh. I bet you’re right, Sophie. If accessing her power is blowing open her channels like it did mine…

Moira: Can you train her in some barriers?

Lauren: I’ll give it a try. I only have one chance tonight; she heads home in the morning.

Moira: See if you can get her started. Ten-year-old boys don’t have the best of mental manners. Are you still planning to come out with Nell and her brood, Lauren? Perhaps you could help us out with Sean and Kevin. Marcus is

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