The Heritage Paper - By Derek Ciccone Page 0,88

attempting to achieve today.”

“Because Pearl Harbor taught me that the only way to move Americans to action was an attack on their homeland. Just like the events of September 11, 2001.”

Aligor savored the stunned look on Youkelstein’s face. “Like I said, Ben, I’m a student of history. And like you, I believe in nature over nurture. There is a reason the US never learned from their past mistakes. For better or worse, they are genetically programmed to act in a certain way. So it was no surprise they reacted like a preoccupied grizzly bear when attacked, swatting at flies around the world, while the true enemy rose from within their own borders. And unbeknownst to them, a revolution had been sparked.”

As Youkelstein scrambled to reconstruct the puzzle in his mind, Aligor continued, “Those who learn from history end up as the ruling class—those who don’t, perish. The Führer learned this lesson the hard way. He should have absorbed the lesson of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, but he followed his passion right into the deadly Russian winter. He chose to listen to his heart instead of his brain … very similar to yourself, Ben.”

“I am nothing like that monster!”

“The Jews were the enemy of Germany, just like they are for America. And the people will cheer as President Kingston tears down the symbol of this embedded enemy.”

“What symbol is this—another cross labeled in code?”

“No, this will be a living symbol … Aligor Sterling.”


“The renowned Jewish leader will come clean about his actions in the planning and plotting of 9/11. And I have the evidence to prove it. An investigation will follow, which will reveal to the world that Israel not only had knowledge of the attack being imminent, but they withheld it, hoping to spark the US into helping to further their agenda in the Middle East and taking on Israel’s enemies.”

“More lies!”

“Maybe so, but they won’t be coming from some radical Islamic cleric. They will come from the mouth of Aligor Sterling—the man who spent his life hunting down Nazi war criminals, and was a constant dinner guest of the Israeli prime minister.”

Youkelstein felt sick. “So I presume after this alleged evidence against Aligor Sterling is revealed—to a crime no different than if Israel declared war on the US—Kingston will be forced to remove his support for the current conflict, despite his campaign promises. Just like Hitler, you will have created an enemy in the Jews. And you will have learned from Hitler’s mistake, and choose to stand aside as your enemies destroy each other.”

Aligor smiled like a teacher who’d just gotten through to his most difficult student. “This act of neutrality—citing George Washington’s 1793 Proclamation of Neutrality as precedent—will create an isolated and vulnerable Israel. And without the specter of US intervention, the path will be cleared for its enemies to join together and rise up against them. Israel will be left a cornered animal with one last card to play in the name of survival.”

“Nukes,” Youkelstein said sadly.

Aligor nodded. “And with the Russian’s economic relationship in the region, they will have no choice but to retaliate. And if America has reservations about entering the current struggle, I doubt their willingness would increase as the body count rises, and the radiation spreads.

“And as history tells us, the Russians don’t need to have their arms twisted to join a war. The French and Germans will not have the internal support to back Israel—as their large Muslim populations will rise up in the streets. The only support will come from the British … based on their own self-interest, of course. So the Israelis and British end up fighting the Russians. To the death. The Führer hated the Russians much more than the Jews!”

Aligor pushed out of his chair. He stood beside Youkelstein and draped his arm around him. In a different time, it would’ve been a portrait of friendship. But today, Youkelstein squirmed away.

Aligor remained undeterred, “I will take great pride in the destruction of the British, and this time the US will not be there to save them. You see, Ben, the British killed my brothers and the Jews killed my parents, and now I’m going to get justice. How does the saying go—killing two birds with one stone?”

“And once your enemies have destroyed each other, you plan to have the Reich move in and rule the world for the next thousand years.”

“Which is precisely why we will protect Maggie and Jamie at any cost. We won’t let you harm Copyright 2016 - 2024