The Heritage Paper - By Derek Ciccone Page 0,8


One down, one to go. Veronica drove around the building to the K-4 area. She waved at Teri Burkhardt and her perfect daughter Haley, who didn’t poison other students. Jamie tried to make a run for it, to join Haley and the rest of his friends.

Veronica clicked the locks shut. “Don’t even think about it. You’re coming with me to meet with Mrs. Sweetney.”

“I don’t know why you’re calling her that, since she’s not more sweet than you, Mom.”

Yeah right.

Chapter 6

Veronica walked into the principal’s office like she was the one in trouble. The perpetrator stood beside her, still looking adorable in his police uniform.

Helen, Principal Sweetney’s longtime secretary, ushered them into her office. Veronica hadn’t seen the stone-faced woman smile in years, yet Jamie was able to bring one to her face.

“She’ll be with you in a few minutes,” Helen informed them.

A “few minutes” turned into fifteen, and then twenty. Veronica kept looking at her watch, knowing every minute that went by meant she was closer to missing Maggie’s presentation, and heading for a week of dirty looks and “whatevers.”

Ten more minutes crawled by before a boxy blonde woman strutted in, wearing a purple blouse and gray slacks. As usual, she overdid the perfume, attempting to cover up the smell of cigarettes. She looked like Veronica, except lately she’d begun to look like two of her. This scared Veronica, since people had always commented on how much they resembled each other. It brought her back to the whole nature (slow metabolism) or nurture (binge eating since the divorce) debate.

“Sorry I’m late, I’ve been trying to clean up your mess. I guess the more things change the more things stay the same,” she greeted them without so much as a hello.

Veronica wanted to “go-Maggie” on her with a heavy sigh and a roll of the eyes, but instead she just said, “Hello to you too, Mom.”

“Aren’t you going to say hello to me, Grammy?” Jamie perked up.

“First of all, in this room I am Principal Sweetney. And secondly, I have a lot to say to you, young man, but none of it is in the form of a pleasant salutation.”

Jamie tried his killer smile. The one he saved for times when he’d dug himself an especially deep hole. “I love how you know all the big words, Principal Sweetney.”

“That won’t work on me.”

He looked confused, rarely having to go to a backup plan.

Veronica took the comment as: like it works with your mother, who by the way, can’t match up to me.

“I just spent the last hour with the parents of the child you assaulted,” she went on, holding a stern gaze on Jamie.

“Don’t you think ‘assaulted’ is a little strong,” Veronica responded like an over-matched public defender, and was quickly dismissed. She felt like she was sixteen again. But on second thought, the sixteen-year-old Veronica wouldn’t have cowered like the Veronica of today.

Her mother lit a cigarette—prohibited on school grounds—moved to the cracked window and exhaled the smoke outside.

“The good news is that I was able to convince the injured parties not to sue the school. But the not-so-good-news for you, Jamie, is I promised that the school—and by school, I mean me—would take swift steps to punish the defendant. This will serve as the first step in ensuring that no further diabolical acts occur on school grounds.”

“Diabolical? It was a prank for goodness sake,” Veronica fought back. The fights during her teenage years were legendary, usually about choices in men, music and college majors. Art history is slang for no money, her mother would always say. It was impossible to win an argument with her—Veronica’s father finally gave up trying about five years ago. They got divorced, and he now lived with his girlfriend in Charleston.

“Let me define diabolical,” her mother responded calmly. “A premeditated act in which a student smuggled in a substance that he used to poison and embarrass another student. An act for which he still has shown no remorse.”

As much as Veronica hated to give an inch in these battles, she knew her mother was right. If Jamie continued to charm his way out of these incidents, what might they lead to?

Still facing the window, Principal Sweetney asked between drags, “So what do you have to say for yourself, young man?”

Veronica could tell that Jamie was not ready to surrender. “I think smoking is bad for you, Grammy, but you do it even though you know it’s wrong. Sometimes people do stuff they know Copyright 2016 - 2024