Here With You (A Laurel Heights Novel) - By Kate Perry Page 0,6



"They look happy and cheerful." Just like Nic.

The woman plucked a bunch from the basket and inspected them. "You want anything else bundled in with the gerbera daisies? Some purple misties or miniature roses?"

"Just the pink flowers." Nicole was a simple woman. At least she used to be.

Not that it was apparent from the kiss last night. That kiss had been complicated. Hot. She'd been pliant and willing and warm in his arms. For him—he didn't have to question whether she kissed him for himself or because he was Griffin Chase, rock star.

In fact, she hadn't really wanted to kiss him. Her body may have been willing, but he could tell her mind knew enough to hold back.

He wasn't sure how he felt about that.

Shaking his head, he brought himself back to the present.

The flower shop lady stood gawking at him. "You look just like Griffin Chase, but you couldn't be, because what are the chances?"

Damn—he should have worn the hat. He pulled out his wallet. "Pretty high, actually."

"You're saying you're the pop singer?"

He frowned. "I prefer calling my music crossover hits."

"Griffin Chase, who did Lost?"

"Your laughter lights my way in the dark/Saving me, at any cost/From being lost," he sang. Those were his favorite lines. They reminded him most of Nicole.

The flower shop lady pointed at him, eyes narrowed. "You cannot hang out here. One celebrity is enough. And if you're high maintenance, you might as well buy your flowers somewhere else."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have no intention of hanging out here. I just needed some flowers."

She didn't look like she believed him, but at least she wrapped up the flowers and carried them to the front counter.

"Those are pretty." He nodded at the bouquet as he handed money over. "She'll like them. Thank you."

The woman grunted and rang him up. "Thank me by buying more flowers."


She stopped what she was doing and gave him a disbelieving look.

"What's your name?" he asked, amused.

"Julie," she replied slowly.

"Julie, you're right. My friend deserves more than this. Can you send her a bunch of flowers every day?"

"Every day?" She goggled at him. "Her place will look like a funeral home. Unless she loves flowers?"

"I don't know." Nicole used to love fruit roll-ups and romance novels. He had no idea what she liked now. He'd have to find out. "Let's do every other day. If she hates it I'll cancel the order."

Julie handed over his change. "And I won't alert The Enquirer or anything."

"Deal. Send them to her work. You can charge my card." He gave her the information Nicole had given him. "Thank you, Julie."

She shook her head. As he walked out, he heard her mutter "Kooky celebrities."

Smart woman. Saluting her, he left the store and headed to Romantic Notions and Nicole.

Even if the name didn't give it away, he could tell from the storefront that it was over-the-top feminine. Fortunately, he'd never been the type of guy to shy away from women's underthings.

A soft bell chimed as he entered, the scent of vanilla tickling his senses. He stood in the doorway and looked around at all the lace and satin. Then he saw Nicole, standing next to a dresser, something frilly and red in her hand. She stared wide-eyed at him as though she hadn't expected to see him again.

Trying not to the think about her underwear and if she wore what she sold, he held out the bundle of flowers. "I got these for you."

Setting the lingerie down, she cautiously approached him. She accepted the pink bouquet, eyeing them like they might be poison. "What's the occasion?"

"Because you're being a good friend and I thought you'd like them." He frowned. "Do you like them?"

"They're beautiful," she said, looking confused. "I love flowers."

"I know you must get them all the time—"

"No." She shook her head.

"Your boyfriend doesn't give you flowers?" Not so subtle, but it'd been on his mind. His mom had told him Nicole was seeing someone. He told himself he was just curious, and that he didn't want his staying with her to cause friction.

Well, truthfully, he wanted her all to himself. It was selfish, but accurate.

Her brow furrowed. "My boyfriend and I broke up, but, no, he didn't give me flowers."

"He must have been an ass."

The corners of her mouth quirked. "Maybe."

He stuck his hands in his pockets. "I have my stuff in the car."

She set the lingerie down and held out a key. "My roommate has been out of town for Copyright 2016 - 2024