Here With You (A Laurel Heights Novel) - By Kate Perry Page 0,46

money. "My name is Eve, by the way. What's your name?"

"Rachel," she murmured, putting her change away.

"I'll bring your cookies and drink out to you, Rachel."

"Thanks." She went to take her seat to begin her vigil. She watched the dark store for five minutes before it occurred to her that Nicole wouldn't be arriving until later, so she took out her blank notebook, a pen, and her phone.

There were a bunch of text messages from Aaron, asking if she was okay.

She was going to be sent to boarding school, and she'd never get to kiss Aaron again. Even if she came back, why would he want to hang out with someone who'd been imprisoned?

Putting her phone away, she stared at the notebook. If only her mom were here, none of this would have happened.

Although if her mom were here, she wouldn't have met Aaron either. Or Griffin Chase.

She frowned.

"Here you go, Rachel." Eve set the hot chocolate on the table with a little plate of cookies. "Anything else you need?"

She looked up at the café lady, who had no idea what she was asking. Feeling sad, she shook her head and pulled the hot chocolate closer.

Eve hesitated for a moment, but someone walked in, so she went to take their order. Just as well. Rachel didn't feel like talking.

But she could write.

She pulled out her laptop and opened her email.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: I KNOW.

You're going to send me away to boarding school???

How could you?? When were you going to tell me? As you and your girlfriend got married?

How can you just forget Mom and move on? Don't you love her anymore? Don't you think about her at all??

I think about her ALL THE TIME. I feel like if I don't, I'll forget her, and if I forget her then no one will know how great she was. Remember that time she surprised you with a picnic at work, and how we sat on the floor of your office, and she brought sparkling grape juice so it was like a celebration? It was for no reason except that she loved you. She always did stuff like that, just because, to make a person feel good.

And you're trashing her memory!

Well, I won't forget her, and if that's a crime you might as well send me away.

Maybe it's just as well, because now you can start fresh with a new family. You don't need reminders of the past hanging out. Your girlfriend probably won't like me. I'm not sure you do anymore either.


Rachel reread the email, her cursor hovering over Send. But then she clicked delete, closed her laptop, and put her head down on the table. He didn't care—why even bother?

Chapter Twenty

As she walked up onto Grounds for Thought, Nicole found Marley and Valentine already sitting at their usual table. She waved at them through the window and went in to join them. She was really late.

Grif's fault. He'd told her he wanted to make sure he hadn't neglected any part of her, and he'd been very diligent about keeping his word. She'd replied that maybe he needed to double-check a couple areas. He'd risen to the challenge.

The passion was only minorly dimmed by the argument they'd had about her career. They had an unspoken truce, but everything hung heavy between them—especially the fact that Grif would be leaving soon.

But she wasn't going to think about that. She was going to enjoy Marley and Valentine, who stood as Nicole approached.

"You're back," Nicole exclaimed, catching her up in a big hug.

"Yesterday." Her friend smiled wide. She had a glow from sun and love that lit her skin. "Ethan says hi."

Marley shook her head. "You know I can't call him that, right? And I'm also not sure I can stand to hear sex stories about him."

Nicole took off her jacket and hung it on the back of her seat. "I want to hear sex stories. After I get a mocha."

"A mocha." Marley raised her brow. "Feeling decadent?"

More like she needed a pick-me-up. She was a happy person, but the past few days she'd been up and down. Mostly because of Grif harping on her designs, but also because he was going to leave.

She didn't want him to.

But she flashed a Cheshire smile to put up a brave front and went to order her drink. When she came back, she took a seat and waved her hand. "I'm ready for sex."

"You're not my type." Valentine grinned. "I missed you guys. What have you been up Copyright 2016 - 2024