Here With You (A Laurel Heights Novel) - By Kate Perry Page 0,15

was nothing, Nicole moved Rachel's arms and surveyed the bra. Then she twirled her finger. "Turn around. We need to adjust it a little."

Mortified, she stood silently as the woman tightened and adjusted straps. "That's the way it's supposed to fit," Nicole said with a nod. "Look now."

The quicker she humored the woman, the sooner she'd leave, so Rachel turned and glanced in the mirror. Then she did a double-take. "I have breasts."

Nicole grinned. "The power of a good bra. Do you see the back here? It should fit straight across your back. Your other bra was riding up."

She'd thought that was just the way bras were. She wondered if her mom had known that. "How did you know?"

"I could tell. It's what I do. And those boy shorts really do look amazing on you."

She looked down. They rode lower on her hips than her briefs, and they made her feel strange, but in a good way. She blushed, imagining Aaron looking at them. "I'll buy them," she said impulsively.

"Good decision." The sales lady patted her shoulder. "I'll meet you outside."

She got dressed, reluctantly putting on her old underwear. She covered it quickly with her T-shirt and sweater to hide it and tugged her jeans up.

When she walked out of the dressing room, the saleswoman was talking to a man. Rachel could only see him from the back, but she wondered why he was in San Francisco. Based on his hat and boots, he was obviously a cowboy.

He looked relaxed, the way he leaned against the counter with one boot crossed over the other. Which was kind of cool, because she was uncomfortable in the lingerie store and she was a girl. If she were a guy, she'd be doubly uncomfortable. He seemed right at home.

Was he buying underwear for his girlfriend? Was Nicole his girlfriend? She wondered what it'd be like to have a boyfriend, or to have him buy things for her, especially private things like underwear. She tried to picture Aaron in here. He'd actually be relaxed, just like the cowboy.

The sales lady looked around the guy, her hand outstretched. "I'll take that, honey."

The man turned around and smiled at her.

Rachel froze midstep, her breath catching like she'd been knocked in the chest. Griffin Chase. He was Griffin Chase.

She opened her mouth, wanting to tell him how her mom loved his music and used to listen to it all the time. That his music saved her after her mom died. She'd been so alone, but when she listened to his songs it was like had a friend who understood her. Whenever she felt really alone, she'd put his albums on repeat and she could almost feel her mom still with her. But her tongue got all mangled in her mouth again.

He turned his attention to Nicole. "I should go so you can work. See you later, Nic?"

"Do I have a choice?" But the saleswoman said it with a hint of a smile.

"You always have a choice."

The lady rolled her eyes. "Get out of here before you cause a riot."

He winked at the lady and then turned his smile on Rachel.

She gasped. He was so much better looking than on his album covers or the poster in Madison's locker. She swallowed, reaching out her hand. "Griffin Chase," she croaked.

"See?" the saleswoman said.

He leaned forward, a finger to his lips, looking right into her eyes. "Shh. Don't tell anyone."

Rachel shook her head in awe. "I won't," she managed to say this time.

With another smile, he left the store. She watched him put his sunglasses on and head down the street. Did he live in Laurel Heights?

Nicole sighed. "Another conquest."

Rachel turned. "What?"

"Never mind." She shook her head, smiling gently. "If you like this set, there's another in lime that'd look great with your skin."

"Yes, please. I'll take both." She took out the emergency credit card her dad had given her. If there was ever an emergency, it was this. "Is Griffin Chase your boyfriend?"

"No." Nicole made a face like the thought was disgusting. "We used to be best friends in high school."

"Really?" Rachel tried to think of having someone like him as her best friend. For some reason she thought of Aaron. "So you're not dating him?"

"Dating someone popular like him may seem like a great idea. He's hot and successful, and it'd be exciting. But there are downsides."

Maybe, but it seemed like the respect she'd get from dating the best musician on the planet would be worth it. "What Copyright 2016 - 2024