Here to Stay - Adriana Herrera Page 0,21

new chapter for Sturm’s and we can’t drag every whim they’ve concocted over the years with us, especially this insane new thing they’re throwing two million dollars into.”

I schooled my face into a neutral expression and hoped my neck wasn’t turning red. He was talking about Julia’s program. A program that helped kids and families. You would think from hearing him his sisters were throwing parties with the money. My back teeth ground into each other as I tried to come up with something to say that wouldn’t get me fired.

These guys talked about the twins like they were clueless. It really fucking irked me. Still I needed to find a way to roll with it, because I was not going to put my foot in my mouth over these people’s infighting.

“I’ve talked extensively with Mitzy and Muffy.” Okay, their names were kind of ridiculous. “Their philanthropic efforts are significant and we do need to think about making those leaner, but they already know that needs to happen. And I will make sure they don’t forget it.” I tipped my head toward Duke and even managed to smile. “As you know, Davidson’s approach is to make sure the company does not lose what makes it unique in the process of preparing to go public. Sturm’s social responsibility arm makes it stand out in the high-end retail world, and that will help with the IPO. People like investing in corporations that invest in their people. We just have to be smart about balancing all of it.”

I ignored their eye rolls and kept going. “I will take your feelings into consideration.” I didn’t say anything else. I wasn’t looking to get taken off this project, but I would not get steamrolled either.

Phil pursed his mouth, obviously displeased with me not just rolling over for them. “The twins were born into trust funds, and that makes it hard for them to stay grounded sometimes.”

So had the fucker standing next to him, but I wasn’t going to point that out to Phil.

“They need to show more restraint. The senior executive team barely got bonuses last year, and yet they decided to give even more money to these Hispanic kids.”

This guy was really getting on my nerves. “This company is doing fine.” I’d learned to get past my personal feelings for the executives I had to deal with and their motives when it came to doing my job, but every once in a while I really wondered how people got the way they did. “I’m sure we can find a way to make everyone happy and have Sturm’s in good shape for the IPO early next year.”

Phil’s face soured and he looked at his watch impatiently. It seemed like he was done with me, but Duke apparently had more to say.

“Mr. Quinn.” Duke talked to people like they were a waste of his time. “I understand that you feel the need to assume a neutral position, but I am in no uncertain terms letting you know I couldn’t care less about your opinions on my sisters using company money for their ‘good Samaritan’ schemes.”

Duke Sturm was tall, about an inch taller than my own six feet, his skin more tanned than his sisters, and he was always dressed to the nines. And not in boring dark grays or navy blues. No, he took his place at the helm of a high-fashion empire seriously. Today he was wearing a velvet jacket in a burnt orange and a dark purple tailored shirt and pants. He was handsome and if he weren’t such a pain in my ass right now I’d actually appreciate his style.

But I could not play with this guy. “I understand that, sir.”

He nodded and his smirk literally made my entire body break out in goose bumps. He lifted a finger and pointed it right at my face. “If you see anything that’s not on the up-and-up, let me know.” A chill ran up my spine at his words. “No matter what my sisters think, this company is not actually the Mitzy and Muffy show. You focus on keeping this IPO on track and we will keep them in check.”

With that he turned around with Phil on his heels. For as much as neither Duke nor the twins had anything to do with their father’s bad decisions, they certainly didn’t seem to let bygones be bygones. There was malice there and people were going to get caught in the crossfire. People like Julia, and me.

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