Here Comes Trouble Page 0,92

him how to run it. Still, that wouldn’t keep him from worrying.

“Well,” he said, at length, “at least something of what I said is penetrating that thick head of yours. Why don’t you head on up and relax a bit. I’m going to head back to the inn, talk with Kirby, find out what’s on tap. I’ll give you a ring so we can meet up later? I would like her to get the chance to meet you.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Dan shot a glance over his shoulder, in the direction of the lobby that was anything but calm and relaxed.

He caught Brett looking at him as he glanced back and replied to the unasked question. “Maksimov’s here. I spotted him in the lobby. He was looking for you. Have you two talked?”

Brett shook his head. “Not yet. In fact, that was what I was on my way back here to do. I had a message someone was waiting to see me; I assumed it was him.”

“Well, we both know why he’s here.”

Brett shrugged. “Won’t net him anything. He wants to waste a plane ticket, nothing I can do about that.”

“So…you’re not thinking about—”

“No,” Brett said flatly, not even letting Dan finish the thought. “I told you, this is a one and done.”

“Charity, right. Speaking of which, when you get back at the tables, it’s like I said when we were on the phone, you know they’re all going to come begging.” He laughed, but there was no warmth in it. “Hell, they’ll probably all line up some kind of ‘very special’ charity for you to play for, if that’s what it takes. You know it’s going to start things up all over again.”

“I was well aware of that, so I made certain everyone knew, from the first conference call, that this was a one-time thing. They can come after me all they want, but I won’t be taking their calls or scheduling any meetings. Besides, I’m almost an entire country away from there now.” He saw the pain flash through Dan’s eyes and felt a twinge. But he remained resolute. “This is, for all intents, my turf. I’ve invited them here as my guests, handed opportunities to the few who I wanted to handle things.”

“There will be return invites, you have to know that. They’ll sweeten the deals whatever way it takes and you’re handing them the charity angle. They’ll make you feel guilty for not using your celebrity to fix everything from third world hunger to saving the humpback whale if it will get your name back headlining their event marquee. Buy-ins are down since you left, and that’s not changing anytime soon. Takes time to groom new superstars and no one is going to match your record for a very long time. As long as you’re breathing, you’re live bait.”

“If they want to waste their breath, fine. Hopefully the dead silence they get in return will give them a clue. And not being around town won’t hurt. Out of sight, out of mind.”

Dan snorted. “Right. And if it helps you sleep at night, then sure, you’ll be yesterday’s news any day now.”

“Trust me, when they realize that I’m not coming out of retirement, they will move along quickly to latch on to the new up-and-comers. Even if it’s not something to make bank today or tomorrow, they have to move on. It’s just good business. And they’re nothing if not good businessmen.”

Something flashed through Dan’s eyes, and once again, Brett felt the nick of guilt pinch his heart.

After a beat, Dan said, “So, you coming in to break Maksimov’s heart?”

Brett shook his head. “Later. You go on up. Don’t let him sideline you trying to get to me.”

Dan just shrugged it off. “Give me a little credit here.”

“Okay, just trying to save you the grief.”

“I can take care of myself.”

But Brett didn’t miss the second glance at the lobby. He thought about changing his plans, heading inside now to deal with Maksimov. But he was already going to lose dinner alone with Kirby, he wasn’t about to give the rest of his time away to the annoying Russian. “Okay. I’ll call you in a little bit. Dinner at the inn tonight.”

“I hope she’s a better cook than you.”

Brett smiled. He wasn’t about to throw Kirby under any bus. Besides, he thought he made a pretty damn good chicken marsala. “You won’t leave hungry.”

Dan smiled back, but Brett could still see the underlying tension. He knew he should Copyright 2016 - 2024