Here Comes Trouble Page 0,35

was guessing in her late thirties, to launch an enterprise in a small mountain town she had no prior connection to, far away from her original home, all by herself. One that would require a huge personal commitment, given she would literally live and breathe her work. And seemed content with that choice. And it wasn’t just about location, or wanting to run a place her way. Or even starting over after a devastating breakup. There was more to it; he felt it clear down to his bones. And he was suddenly dying to know the rest.

One thing he did know was that Kirby Farrell did not lack the commitment gene. Her inn was testament to that. He was more curious to know who would make the loyalty cut in her life these days. And what it would take to get that close to her.

“Understandable, also,” he said, “though I think we all make those adjustments as life progresses, for a variety of reasons.”

“Is that what happened with you? These choices you need to make, the things you need to ponder…commitments changing?”

“As it happens, yes.”

“And figuring it out meant a cross-country trek?”

“The journey was part of it. It wasn’t just a flight. Well, it might have started out as one, but it became part of the process.”

“So, is this just another layover, or a turnaround point?”

“I wanted it to be the latter. Felt it, when I stopped.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know. More to figure out, I guess. What about you? Is this a beginning point, or an end point?”

“This. You mean the inn? An end point. At least that was the plan. We’ll see how that pans out. It’s funny, I guess…I came across country, too. But I knew where I was heading. And why.”

“I thought I knew. Why I was leaving, anyway, if not exactly where I was heading,” he said. “Now I’m wondering if I’ve just been fleeing…or maybe hiding, the whole time.”

She looked curious, but, to her credit and his relief, she didn’t push. There was time, yet. Or would be, if it was still important to either of them. Later.


The silence expanded, but it wasn’t an uneasy one.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“That this might have been easier without all the talking first.”

She smiled a little, but there was a hint of disappointment in it. “Men hate foreplay.”

“Some men, maybe. Not me. But that’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean it was tedious.”

“Then what?”

“Personal. Makes it more personal.”

“Exactly what I was getting at. Maybe we both wanted something more nameless/faceless.”

“I don’t know what I wanted. I didn’t even know I was going to want at all.”

She smiled briefly. “You mean you haven’t left a string of broken hearts across the country?”

He shook his head. “Haven’t disturbed—or severed—a single body part, I swear.”

“What about back in Vegas? Is there someone there who is waiting to hear about your commitment decisions?”

“If you mean a wife or significant other, no. It’s not about that.” He watched her face. “Would it matter if it did?



“I was raised to play well with others and share my toys, but some things aren’t meant to be shared. I didn’t like it when it happened to me and I sure as hell wouldn’t be a part of doing that to someone else.”

“So, then I suppose I don’t have to worry that someone other than Clemson is going to come banging on your door, asking nosy questions?”

“Oh, there might be all kinds of nosy questions.” She watched him this time. “If that’s a problem, I understand.”

“I’m not the one who lives here, who’ll keep on living here. It doesn’t bother you?”

She lifted a shoulder. “It’s not the kind of thing I would let bother me, no. I’m a grown woman and can do what I want with my private life. If they have issues with my business or how I run it, that’s one thing, but about me personally?” Again, she lifted a shoulder.

His smile widened a little. He noticed she’d said “would let bother,” indicating she hadn’t actually had any experience with small towns and even smaller minds. “How much do you know about small towns?”

“Enough,” she said. “Ski resort towns are very small towns.”

“Although a bit more cosmopolitan than, say, a small town in Iowa, given the international tourist aspect, don’t you think?”

“Possibly, but the resort itself is like a village within a small town, and there are no secrets, and gossip is second only to the skiing and golfing as a favorite Copyright 2016 - 2024