Here Comes Trouble Page 0,33

pretend otherwise. Then it’s on the one who keeps thinking they’ll change. It was that age-equals-wisdom thing that hung me up. Well, that and a pretty good case of insecurity and inexperience. Also on me.”

“Clearly you figured it out at some point. How long ago did your epiphany come about?”

“Oh, about two seconds after I walked in on a private meeting he was having with his assistant—you know, one of those clothing optional meetings?—whereby he was telling her that of course there was nothing to worry about. I was too busy running around doing everything he told me to do to keep his fabulous resort running like a well-oiled machine while desperately trying to win his respect and continued support to ever imagine that he would be unfaithful to me.

“Or maybe it was a second or two after that, when he laughingly responded to her question regarding his ever marrying me by stating that why would he ruin the best thing that had ever happened to him? He had someone he could count on to be loyal, hardworking, and give him the very best both at work and at home, all for a less than commanding salary. He’d have to be an idiot to marry me.” She tapped her chin. “Yep, it was pretty much right about then. Of course, the kicker is he was completely right.”

Brett grinned. “So…maybe the real question is whether or not you’ve committed any felonies that I should know about.”

She blinked and looked rather mortified by her outburst for a second, and then grinned right back at him. “Fortunately I managed not to ruin the next fifteen to twenty years of my life, no. I’d already given him ten.” She lifted a hand. “And please, I am not asking for or expecting pity. You can’t be surprised when folks treat you like a doormat when you never stop them from walking all over you. Some of us just have a much steeper learning curve than others. Walking in on that meeting was the best wake-up call of my life.” She smiled even more broadly then and he loved how it animated those eyes of hers. “See? Totally not a psycho basket case.”

Brett laughed, and so did she. “See, that’s what intrigues me.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but clarify?”

“You’re a straight shooter. You don’t mind speaking your mind, and you seem to be pretty self-aware, although you’re almost too willing to cast yourself in an unflattering light.”

“Hey, if the light shines dimly…” Kirby shrugged.

“We’re all human. But you picked up the pieces and turned around and took your own dreams and did something about them. You’re constructive, not destructive. You learned from past mistakes, and then you moved on. You’re not a wallower.”

“Wow. All that from a few babbled stories and a total lack of finesse where half-naked men come into play?”

He tightened his hands on her hips and pulled her a fraction closer. “I’m pretty good at reading people. Did I get any of that wrong?” He ducked his chin to keep her eyes on his. “Be honest. It’s okay to toot your own horn, too, you know.”

“I’d like to think your assessment is right. We’ll see how things play out after this winter is over and whether or not I have to yet again find a new dream to build on.”

“Fair enough.”

“What about you? These decisions you have to make.”

“See, this is where I envy you. You knew what your dream was all along. I know I want to finally have mine come true, and that I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make it happen…but I’m not sure what shape the dream is going to take.” He laughed again. “So, I guess you’re the psycho basket case with a jackass ex and I’m the aimless drifter with no idea who he wants to be when he grows up. Perfect match, right?”

“We’re all human,” she said, tossing his words back at him.

“So then,” he said, feeling rather ridiculously content, which didn’t bear examining given how newly acquainted they were…but rather than turn him off by her sudden revelation of a painful past, it had only served to further underscore his attraction. She was real. That was the bottom of it, he realized. She was honest, direct, and not particularly worried about his opinion. She told it like it was, even if that didn’t paint her in the best of lights. He doubted, given the look on her face immediately after the fact, that she Copyright 2016 - 2024