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had for her right that second along with the building excitement he had for their potential future. “I want to tell you everything, about the house, my plans. I want you there, for all of it, involved right alongside me.”

She still looked a little stunned by the kiss. In a good way. A very good way. “Uh…okay. Good,” she said, finally finding her voice. “I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

She still didn’t get where he was going with this, that the partnership he wanted with her wasn’t about business or friends helping each other out. All of which was wonderful, but the partnership he was interested in was the fully invested one. He knew she’d worked with her ex, so he was going to have to take care in how he presented it to her…but if she shared his vision, nothing could stop them.

He kissed her again; then he groaned and pressed his forehead to hers. “I really want to stay. Eat, talk, maybe take another shower.” He wiggled his eyebrows again so they tickled her forehead, making her giggle in that way that was coming increasingly more naturally to her.

“The shower’s not going anywhere. And neither am I.”

Now all he had to do was convince her he wasn’t going anywhere, either.

Chapter 17

Brett had tried to reach Dan on his way up to the resort, but he hadn’t gotten an answer on the room phone or Dan’s cell. He might have been telling the truth about being wiped out and was already asleep, but it wasn’t even eight in the evening. And the time change was only two hours. He ducked into the first set of elevators, hoping no one on staff noticed him or any of the early arrivals for the event. One in particular he hoped to avoid. The very last thing he needed at the moment was—

“Ah, Mr. Hennessey, here you are, at last.” A beefy hand shot out to prevent the elevator doors from closing. They reopened to show a smiling Maksimov standing just beyond the threshold.

Brett was sorely tempted to hit the CLOSE DOOR button again, but knew he’d have to deal with Maks sooner or later. He’d just been hoping for the latter. He really wanted to talk to Dan, see if the two of them could get back on even ground. That whole situation had really taken him by surprise.

“Could I persuade you to join me in the lounge for a drink? Or perhaps we could talk in your suite, if it’s privacy you prefer.”

The suite was out. And perhaps a public setting wasn’t a bad idea, anyway. “Nothing for me, but let’s go ahead and have our little chat.” Brett exited the elevator and fell into step beside the much shorter, stockier Russian. “Or we could skip this part and just go right to where I politely decline your offer.”

“You haven’t even heard me out yet,” he said, a smug smile creasing his wide, perpetually shiny face.

“I don’t need to. I appreciate the gesture, you coming all the way out here,” he said, straining to be polite. He had no real reason to be any longer, other than it was never wise to burn a bridge you didn’t have to. “But I’m not coming back to the tables, Maks.”

“Except here, where you are playing again.”

“It’s for charity. One time only. I’m retired and I’m planning on staying that way.”

“And yet, there are so many other worthy organizations who could use help from someone like you. Perhaps you have a specific one in mind? We would be happy to help. In fact, I must admit, Rudov wasn’t happy when you chose to allow the Bronfield brothers to oversee this event. We have worked tirelessly for you in the past. And we were the first to make you very generous offers when you were starting out.”

“And I believe I’ve filled those very generous coffers back up. Several times, in fact.” He paused just outside the entrance to the lobby pub. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me, as I hope you appreciate what I’ve done for you in return. I’m working with the Bronfields because they have hotel interests in places other than Vegas and were best suited to handle things this far afield. No personal slight was intended.”

Maksimov paused outside the door, and his smile widened as his eyes hardened. This was the more familiar side of Rudov’s hired hand that Brett had been hoping to avoid.

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