Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,36

saved you from anything?” He moved even closer. “It would make no difference where you are, where you sleep. You and I both know what’s going to happen. We’ve experienced being with each other already, there’s no way our bodies are going to resist forever.”

She blinked at his bald words and tried to back up but she was already against the wall, her hands flat against the dark wood. “You’re fooling yourself. I acted inappropriately once. There’s no way I’m going to do it again.”

“Because your father would be angry with you,” he finished her thought.

The elevator doors opened just as he was about to continue. Instead of saying anything, he closed his mouth, grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hallway towards their suite. Once they were both inside he dropped her hand but didn’t let her escape into her own room. “Oh no, little one. You can’t leave me without an explanation as to what you were doing down at the bar and who those men were.”

She shook her head and tried to act like she had it all together. But her mind was suffused with the knowledge that they were alone in a hotel room and there was no one else to stop them. No one would know if she were to throw herself into his arms. Of course, she would know.

And with that realization, she blinked and looked up at him. “I was having a drink and dinner with Tom, Dave and Greg. Tom invited me to come. It was nothing special, it was just a casual gathering of friends at a bar after office hours. You are my client. You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do. You can’t tell me who I can and cannot see socially.”

As she gave this magnificent speech, her mind whirled with how confident she sounded, how independent. But as she spoke, Davis moved closer. With each step he took towards her she took another step back. Slowly, he eliminated the space between their bodies. She tried to move back even more but something was blocking her, something large and immovable. The furniture in the suite was too big and too sturdy for her escape at this moment.

“Do you honestly think that Tom could give you what you need?” he asked. His arm whipped out, his hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her against his hard body. “Tom couldn’t handle you, even if you were willing to let him touch you.”

She was flustered by his touch and by the look in his eyes that promised something…horribly delicious. “You don’t even know who Tom is, do you?” she asked belligerently. “Tom is a very nice gentleman.”

His other hand smoothed around from her back, sliding upwards, sending shockwaves of need throughout her body. One hand held her closely, the other hand drove her crazy. To this point, she had been able to resist the temptation of touching him. But those waves of need sent all of her good intentions out the window.

When her hands reached up, gently touching his chest, she shuddered and closed her eyes. “Davis, please don’t do this to me.”

Davis listened to her body, ignoring her words. Her body was telling him what he wanted to hear. Her words were just noise. “Touch me, Kate,” he commanded. And since he didn’t trust her to follow the command, his hand reached down and took her arm smoothing her palm against his chest so that her fingers were splayed out against his muscles. “Touch me the way I know that you want to touch me. Let me feel your fingers against me.”

Kate tried very hard to resist his command but there was only so much temptation she could take. Her fingers slowly extended, her palms resting against his shirt. She could feel the heat of his skin through the material and wanted desperately to feel just his skin, just his heat. Oh, and those soft, tickling hairs that she’d found so fascinating last time they’d been together. When she felt his hand slide up her waist, his strong hand cupping her breast while his thumb rubbed against her already hard nipple, she lost her ability to resist him.

With trembling hands, her fingers unbuttoned his shirt. But she was impatient and the buttons were difficult while Davis was kissing her neck. She couldn’t concentrate well enough to get the seemingly gigantic button through the irritatingly small hole. When Davis nibbled on a spot right

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