Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,19

eyes. Had she said something about her father last night? The serious, almost angry look shocked her. Why was he angry? And more importantly, why was he here?

Was Davis telling her father about something she’d said last night? Goodness, what had she said? What had she done?

Her father stepped into her line of vision, blocking Davis’ marvelous physique from her hungry eyes. “Kate, we don’t have all day. Mr. Alfieri is a very important person.” Her father’s impatience was barely controlled. She could tell that he was trying to look kind and concerned in front of Davis, but she didn’t understand why. It was so unlike her father that she actually stepped back, worried even more now. Her father simply wasn’t a kind person. He was direct and succinct, especially when clients were around. He told all of his accountants to be quick about delivering information since their clients had limited time.

Davis watched Kate walk down the hallway and nervously enter the old man’s office. He could tell that she wasn’t in a hurry to get here but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed watching her come towards him, his mind thinking back to all the things they’d done last night, all the things he still wanted to do with her. Or more specifically, to her. His body started to react to just the sight of her in yet another horrible suit.

Why had she left him this morning? He knew she’d enjoyed their night together just as much as he had. Never had a woman felt as soft and amazing as his slender Kate. He wanted her right now. Would her father mind if he swept her up into his arms and carried her back to her office? He had a good imagination and an office desk could be a great way to experiment.

She stepped into her father’s office but went no further. The door slammed shut and she jerked, looking back, then nervously up at Davis.

“Mr. Alfieri has hired this firm to do some accounting work,” her father was explaining as he walked back around his desk, sitting down in his enormous leather chair. He was completely unaware of the tension between the two other occupants as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes.

Kate finally tore hers away from Davis, feeling strange. When she looked at the irritated expression on her father’s face, the idea that she was about to be terminated rushed right back to her. Gone was the excitement over seeing Dylan again and her hand lifted as she started to feel slightly sick once more. Or was that something else? She wasn’t really sure what she was feeling. Everything was more than a little crazy with her father glaring at her on her right and Dylan looking down at her strangely from the left. Just two minutes ago, she’d been walking down the hallway, bracing herself for a termination. And now, Davis was here and things were definitely not what she was expecting. What did all of this mean?

Her father’s words suddenly broke through her anxiety. Mr. Alfieri wanted to hire this firm? For accounting work? Who was “Mr. Alfieri”? And where had she heard that name before? She looked back up at Davis and suspected that he must be the “Mr. Alfieri” in question.

Her father’s abrupt voice broke into her mind’s confusion. “Why don’t you sit down Kate? And we can get started.”

Kate looked again between Davis and her father. “Get started?” she asked, still not clear on what was happening.

Her father’s eyes narrowed. “Have you been paying attention?” He turned to Davis, his smile looking rather stiff. “You’ll have to excuse her,” he said with a patronizing chuckle. “She’s a little overwhelmed by being in the presence of such an illustrious personage.”

Kate was taken aback. “Illustrious?” she questioned. Looking at Davis, she almost laughed when he rolled his eyes. Her father missed that but she caught it and tried to stifle her amusement. “This is Davis, Dad. What’s going on?”

Her father’s eyes went between the two people. “Kate, please be more respectful. This is Mr. Alfieri. He’s one of the wealthiest men in the world. It would behoove you to show him a bit more deference.”

Kate’s face, already pale because of her lack of sleep and confusion this morning, paled even more. “I’m not really sure…” she started to say but her father interrupted her.

“Mr. Alfieri has a challenge for us,” he said succinctly, breaking off whatever Kate might have said. “He needs an

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