Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,15

him and he liked every simple touch. “You’re incredible,” he groaned as he fell onto the bed beside her, pulling her onto his chest so that she was looking down at him.

Kate laughed, feeling like she was on cloud nine. When she’d walked into the bar earlier tonight, she’d never imagined that her night would end like this. But she was thrilled that it had turned out so perfectly. “Thank you,” she said softly and bent to kiss him.

He grabbed her head and held her close, deepening the kiss. When he let her up, she could already feel her body stirring back to life. “What was the thank you for?” he asked.

She shrugged her shoulder, unaware of how it lifted her breast, bringing his attention right back to those luscious nipples. “The day ended on a horrible note but you changed it around, making tonight wonderful.”

Davis wanted to question her further about the bad ending but her nipples were right there, still distracting him. “Oh really?” he said, his voice gravelly with the need that was rising up once again.

Kate felt his body stirring back to life and she smiled, feeling feminine and powerful. “Really,” she whispered back to him, running her hands along his muscular chest.

There were no more words for a long time after that. But neither of them had much to say anyway.

Chapter 3

Kate snuggled closer to the heat, feeling more comfortable than she’d been in…forever! And warm! Goodness, she’d never felt so warm. Normally, her apartment was filled with drafty cold and she raced from her bedroom to the shower on these chilly, fall mornings. Snuggling a bit closer to the warmth, she sighed and decided that she could use a few more minutes of sleep. She was still exhausted even though she suspected that it was morning already.

When the large, callused hand smoothed down her back to her bottom, Kate’s eyes popped open. Shock. Horror. Dread!

Where was she? Her eyes finally focused and what she’d thought was a warm pillow was actually…a man’s chest! The black hairs on that male chest tickled her nose and she pulled back slightly. As soon as she did that, she felt the arms around her body tighten.

Oh goodness, that leg! A long, muscular leg with a very enticing thigh pushed between hers. She gasped as the desire slammed through her again. Holding her breath, she willed the need she’d felt over and over again last night to go away. No luck! It was actually worse! The more she fought the desire, the worse it got. Or maybe it was just that way with Davis because she knew what he could do to her body, how he could play her senses like an orchestra. She shuddered, thinking of the previous night. Goodness, the way he’d made her feel! So hot! So needy and just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he would give her exactly what she needed. Him!

Biting her lower lip, she used every ounce of self-control that she’d ever had in her life and fought the need to run her hand along his chest, to kiss the muscles right under her nose.

No, she couldn’t do that again. She turned her head and looked at the clock on the bedside table. Oh no! It was already seven o’clock! She should have been at work an hour ago!

It was no wonder she’d slept in so late. They hadn’t gotten to sleep until the early hours of the morning and, even then, he’d woken her up a couple of times to make love to her again before the two of them had fallen back to sleep in each other’s arms.

She had to get out of here. Kate had to get back to her apartment, shower and get to her office before her father came in at nine.

The large, warm hand on her bottom wasn’t helping her though. Perhaps if she just…yes, she could slide this way and…

She was free, but she was also naked! She gathered up her clothes quickly, jumping every time he moved against the sheets, afraid he would wake up and find her gone.

Kate grabbed her clothes, putting them on while she hopped out of the bedroom. He probably wouldn’t even care if she was gone, she thought. He seemed like the kind of guy that would love the ladies, then be ready to move on.

She tripped in the hallway as she tried to put her shoe on, dropping her purse. As she gathered up the contents

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