Her Marine Next Door - Aliyah Burke Page 0,61

moved home. Skylar had been true to her word and had dropped his things off. Not to mention she’d ignored him for two fucking days.

Not a single one of his calls or texts had been answered. All of his attempts at going over there had amounted to nothing. Either she’d been gone or didn’t open the door. Hell, he wasn’t even lucky enough to see Alpin in the backyard.

She’d gone ghost, and he’d be damn proud of her skills if it wasn’t him that she was hiding from. Sure, he still had a key, but he was desperately trying not to break in and be even more of a stalker than he was becoming.

He was desperate to speak to her—let her see Gemma didn’t mean more to him than she did. He didn’t give a fuck about Gemma, other than how she had the ability to run off with his son. Something he had to figure out how to fix.

Parker also had to confront Gemma about what she’d done to Skylar’s business. He hadn’t wanted to believe she’d stoop that low.

He could admit he’d ignored it because of Cullen, but hearing what Gemma had done had pissed him off. Once his parents took Cullen away, at least for the day, he’d deal with her. This was going to get ugly.

“You three are a family.” His mother pointed at him. “It’s time you start acting like one.”

He shot her a scowl. “Let it go.”

She flattened her lips and got up from the couch. “Give it time. You’ll see it’s all for the best. I’m going to share my famous lasagna recipe with Gemma.”

Yeah, nothing subtle there. At all.

“Spit it out, son.”

“Nothing more to say. I fucked up.” He made sure his outburst hadn’t disturbed Cullen. The boy had been sullen and moody, opting to stay in his room most of the day. No running, laughter. Not even much talking. He shrugged and dragged his feet. Parker was thrilled he’d fallen asleep in his arms. And Cullen was still slumbering.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.” Yet he wasn’t giving up.

Silence descended, and he sat there holding his son while his dad watched the news. Occasional laughter from the kitchen reached him, and he ground his jaw. Gemma was putting on a show, and his mom was buying it.

Hook. Line. And sinker.

Skylar had warned him Gemma was desperate for more. How she was angling to become the true fiancée. He’d blown her off, thinking it was anger and jealousy speaking. Now he wasn’t sure…

Cullen sniffed and whimpered before burrowing closer.

“Mama.” His singular word led a soft puff of breath that brushed against his skin. The longing in his tone perfectly understood. They both missed the fuck out of her.

“Shh.” He rubbed his back once more.

“He’s gotten quiet. Remarkable change for just two days.”

“I know.” “Remarkable” wasn’t the word he would use. “Disturbing” was more along the lines of his choice.

It bothered him. Cullen had made such progress during his time here; to see this regression was heartbreaking. And it was sudden, like not seeing Skylar had instantly put him back to the scared, quiet boy he’d been before. As if he were scared of being too loud, being a boy.

“Are you taking him to see anyone?”

“No. I know what the issue is.” I just have to fix it.

The women walked in carrying drinks. He narrowed his gaze on Gemma as she sat beside him and placed a beer down for him. Why the fuck was she wearing a diamond solitaire ring on her finger?

Fuck no, he wasn’t taking part in this. Ignoring the beer, he rose, Cullen in his arms.

“I’ll pass. Sir, Mom. Good night.” After waking Cullen, Parker sat him on the counter in the bathroom while the boy brushed his teeth.

He moved some hair away from Cullen’s face. “How are you doing, C-Man?”

His slender shoulders rose and fell. “Murray’s sad,” he said once he spat.

“Why is Murray sad? How can I help?”

Gemma appeared in the doorway, her left hand on the doorjamb allowing the light to shimmer off the ring. “Everything okay?”

“We’re fine.” He stuffed away his anger at the woman, because now wasn’t the time for the confrontation. He had to see to his son first.

Cullen wiped his mouth after rinsing and climbed down.

“I’ll be in soon.”

“Okay, Mommy.” He walked out, nothing about him screaming happy.

Parker stood and drew up when she didn’t move. “What?”

“We could be great together again, Parker.”

“We aren’t anything, Gemma, and we won’t ever be.”


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