Her Marine Next Door - Aliyah Burke Page 0,54

He’d spent a long time longing for that woman right there. Not taking the ones who offered themselves up to him, wanting only her.

He moved closer as another boy stopped to talk to Cullen.

“I have a daddy and a mommy, but Daddy couldn’t come.” The boy sneered down his nose at Cullen. Who, like him, didn’t have any problem standing up to a challenge.

“My papa is here.” Cullen pointed at him, getting another smile from him. Then he pointed to Skylar. “My mama.” One hundred percent proprietary claim in that tone. Parker nearly laughed, because he felt the same way.

Skylar stiffened slightly, but he caught it.

“Come on, Daniel, we have to get going.” The boy’s mom shepherd him away.


“Not sure why Cullen said that. Sorry.” There was something in her tone that was far more important to address.

Longing? Pain?

“Are you okay?” Needing to see her expressive face, he turned her toward him. She couldn’t hide the truth from him.

The shimmery tears lingered before she got them under control.

“Of course.” There was forced cheer in her tone, and it ripped at him like talons along his belly.

He drew Skylar tight to him. “Stop lying to me, baby. I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

And he sure as fuck wanted to be the one to slay all her dragons.

Cullen wedged his way between them. “Me, too.”

Parker lifted him and never released Skylar, either. Cullen giggled as he kissed them both, Skylar first.

“Mama. Papa.” Then he wrapped his arms around Skylar’s neck, leaning toward her. She took him and finally stepped back.

“I’m not your mama, Cullen. I’m Skylar.”

She put him down, studiously ignoring Parker. He heard the hitch in her voice and tugged one of her natural curls. That got her attention.

He despised the sadness in her eyes she struggled to hide. So he winked.

Her smile, while slow, came.

“’Kay, Mama. Ready.” Cullen took her hand and began walking.

Parker reluctantly released her hair and appeased himself by taking her free hand. Dipping close, he whispered, “That’s your name now, it seems.”

Parker liked it. More and more, he’d come to view Skylar in that role as opposed to Gemma. This woman here, with him, never failed to have a smile for Cullen or make one come to his face. She was unfailingly patient with him, never getting mad at all his questions. And C-Man did have a ton of questions.

“Guess so.” Her words were clipped.

The rest of the day was full of laughs, photos—as many as he could finagle—and more laughter. His leg hurt like hell, reminding him he wasn’t close to passing his physical, but it was worth every ache.

“Tired, Mama.”

“I’ll carry you, Cullen.”

His son frowned and shook his head. “No, want Mama.”

Skylar gazed at him. “I don’t carry whining boys.”

His lip trembled. “P’se Mama.” Cullen put his arms up toward her.

Parker held his breath at another flash of pain.

She lifted him and tossed him up twice before kissing him. “I can’t say no when you ask so nicely.”

Cullen squealed and returned her kisses with as much fervor as existed within his tiny body. Not that Parker blamed him. Content in her arms, the boy burrowed into her, his face against her neck.

“Mama smells good.” Another yawn. He’d be sleeping shortly.

At the truck, he put a very tired boy in his car seat. He turned and closed the door to find Skylar had already climbed in. With the tool belt and army men close, Cullen gave a smile. And closed his eyes.

He shot her a glare, then lifted himself in.

“I am capable of holding a door for you.”

“I’m aware. Just like I’m aware your leg is bothering you, but you won’t stop being you. I am able to get in my own truck.”

He grunted, determined not to get into a fight about his ability to handle PT and life. As he drove home, she continually flexed her injured hand as if still testing how much she could handle. He didn’t like how it still bothered her. If he could do more than carry the wood for her, he would, but he couldn’t.

I hate feeling helpless. And he did, in all three of these situations. Cullen’s was out of his hands, the fate resting on that paper. Skylar’s, he couldn’t do the work for her. And his own future in Recon—he had to pass and get his physical therapist to sign off.

The shower was warm and steamy after she killed the water. After wiping off her face, Skylar tucked the towel

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