Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,71

and gotten her bum properly punished was something she unfortunately had experience with.

Lucy was still standing in the corner when she heard the door open after a soft knock was given. She stiffened for a moment before realizing it was Molly returning as she heard Lucas instructing her where to place the requested tray. Lucy heard the sound of china clinking and then liquid being poured and imagined the cup of tea, her stomach growling softly as the two people sharing the room with her spoke quietly for a few minutes. Lucy strained to hear them, but their voices were too low. She heard the door open and close again, but it was still another several minutes before Lucas spoke.

“You may come out of your naughty corner,” he said, his words reinforcing the fact that she had indeed misbehaved.

Lucy turned and suddenly felt extremely shy. Her day had started out with this man making love to her and had turned into a humiliating experience in the bath followed by a sensual lesson and a playful water fight. The comfort of being warmed with his hands running a towel over her had been followed by those same hands slapping against her naked bottom. Finally, she’d learned an embarrassing and frightening lesson in what true penance would mean for the rest of her life. As if understanding his bride was embarrassed as well as confused with all that had happened since their marriage, Lucas walked to within a few feet of the corner and opened his arms. Lucy instantly flung herself into them, her arms wrapping around his neck as he easily lifted and carried her to the chair.

He cradled her on his lap and didn’t seem the least bit surprised when she began to sob. Lucy hadn’t meant to cry but couldn’t seem to stop. The tears were not those of pain like those when she was being thrashed; these were tears that her body demanded she release, relieving tension and embarrassment. His arms wrapped around her, his fingers stroking down her arm assured her she was safe, that she was loved. When she began to calm, he bent to kiss her and just like that, her tears were done and she eagerly returned his kiss, her hands clasping his neck.

“You are forgiven, kitten,” he said softly.

She managed a small, quivering smile as her heart eased, though her bottom was still tender where it was pressed against his hard thighs. “I’m really sorry, Papa,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to be naughty so soon.” Lucas’ chuckle had her realizing what she’d said and she blushed. “That came out wrong, didn’t it?”

“The truth is never wrong, little one,” Lucas said with a grin. “I believe we both know that you’ll most likely find yourself being naughty simply because you are you. But you are a very lucky little girl, kitten. You have a papa who loves you very much and promises to always be there to tend to your bottom when you are disobedient.” He chuckled again when she huffed and bent toward her until his lips brushed hers. “And promises to make sure you remember how very much you are loved.”

He pressed his mouth to hers and Lucy quickly forgot about everything else as his tongue pushed between her lips to play with her own. When he captured her tongue and suckled hard, she felt her nipples instantly jump to attention and her pussy began to flow. Tea was forgotten as her husband stood with her in his arms, taking her to the freshly made bed as if anxious to prove his statement.

Chapter 17

The newlywed couple didn’t leave their bedchamber for three days. Trays had been prepared and brought whenever Lucas pulled the bell cord and gave his requests to Molly. Lucas kept Lucy nude, tucked either in his bed or on his lap as he fed her small bites of food or lifted her glass so that she could sip her milk. She gradually grew more comfortable being nude when she realized that Molly was the only person to enter their room. She had not been naughty again, the spanking forgotten as the tenderness and any marks from her tawsing disappeared from her bottom.

She had sat up and squealed with delight on the second day when Molly entered with a basket that contained a mewing ball of fluff. Lucas smiled as his own kitten drew Cleo to her chest and began stroking her lovingly. Her eyes were bright, and she

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