Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,51

mother’s absence.” Lucy nodded, even though she wished with all her heart that her mother were seated before her. Eleanor gave her another few moments.

“Don’t be frightened, Lucille,” she said, softly. “I know you are an innocent, but since you did attend school with other girls, I know young ladies will talk and whisper what they assume happens when a man mates with a woman. Have you heard this sort of talk?”

Lucy was stunned at the bluntness of the question and couldn’t speak.

Eleanor shook her head, “Don’t be shy, little one. I am not trying to embarrass you but to prepare you for when you are taken for the first time. All little ones have questions before they are bedded for the first time. Tell me now, what do you know? Or is it that your sister has spoken about things she has been instructed to keep silent about?” Her question caused Lucy to gasp. Eleanor remained quiet, allowing the young woman to gather her thoughts. Her patience was finally rewarded when Lucy’s soft voice broke the silence of the room.

“Louisa has not spoken to me,” Lucy said, and her embarrassment at the admission of her total ignorance was obvious. “At school, we… I only heard that… that it hurts. Will... will it be very painful?”

“Painful? No, but it will hurt,” Eleanor admitted but was quick to add, “but, little one, it will only hurt the first time your husband enters you.”

Lucy couldn’t help but tremble as she remembered the feel of Lucas’ sex beneath her hand when he had placed it on his shaft.

Eleanor reached down and stroked Lucy’s cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Men, especially men like your husband, will demand your submission when you are taken, Lucille. You are a lucky little girl,” she said, with a smile. “Though you must always offer yourself to your husband whenever he so desires, I know Lucas will take the time to be gentle as he teaches you how to please him.”

Lucy felt her face growing hot and if she had any doubts that she was blushing, Eleanor dissuaded her of the notion.

“You are so very sweet, and your blush speaks of your innocence,” the older woman said, with a smile. “Lucy, you do know what a cock is, don’t you?”

This time it was her entire body that heated as Lucy dropped her eyes to look at her hands twisting in her lap. The room remained silent except for the occasional popping of a log as it burned in the fireplace. Eleanor simply waited quietly, and Lucy finally nodded.

“I-I know,” she whispered. “Lucas had me touch...” she paused, her embarrassment acute. “But I-I never… never have…” she quieted, unable to continue.

“Of course you haven’t, my girl,” Eleanor said, with a smile. “You are a virginal, innocent bride, exactly as you should be. Don’t be frightened, Lucille. Making love can be a wondrous thing. You are a special type of woman. We both know just how soaked you get between your legs when you are touched.” Lucy’s whimper was ignored. “It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a unique gift that only those women who are natural submissives and truly able to feel such intense passion possess. Trust in Lucas, Lucille. Trust him to teach you the endless ways to find pleasures he will provide you, and in turn, teach you to provide him.”

Eleanor paused again, as if wanting to assure she gave Lucy the time to truly process her words. “This life is not an easy one,” Eleanor admitted, and reached down to cup Lucy’s chin to force her eyes to meet hers. “It won’t be easy. You will be often spanked, paddled, whipped and even caned. You will be subjected to even more embarrassing things than the enema you received today. You will often feel ashamed, but Lucy, you will learn to obey. Lucas will be your husband, as well as your papa. He will demand both complete obedience and total submission. He will take you to the depths of despair as he punishes your body when you disobey him.” Eleanor paused, as Lucy listened to words she hadn’t wanted to even consider.

“You will beg him to be merciful, make promises you can’t possibly be expected to keep in an effort to have him stop reddening your bottom, your legs or anywhere he decides to punish.”

“Where?” Lucy whispered as she felt her bottom clench.

“Several places,” Eleanor said. “You might find your breasts spanked,

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