Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,24

kissed his bride several times and Louisa giggled. They arrived home, and Lucy found herself being lifted from the carriage and twirled once more. She accepted his kiss, her heart light and carefree. He set her onto her feet and led her to the door. Mrs. Bremmer was waiting with Molly in the large hallway.

“Anna,” Lucas said, his arm tight around Lucy. “May I present my wife, Lady Lucille Rose Huntington.” Lucy flushed as she heard her new husband speak of her title for the first time.

Mrs. Bremmer smiled. “So, the little boy has grown up and found his life-mate,” she said, straining on her tiptoes until he laughed and bent so she could brush a kiss onto his cheek. Settling on her feet again, she turned to Lucy. “Congratulations, Lucy.”

Lucy instantly understood that the housekeeper was reminding her that, lady or not, she was always and forever to be a little one to those who shared her life.

“I'm very happy for you, Lord Huntington, and have every faith that our little Lucy will learn to be a proper wife and obedient little one for you.”

“Ummm, thank you, ma’am,” Lucy said, receiving the intended message. Lucas grinned and gave Anna another kiss on her cheek while Lucy accepted a hug and congratulations from Molly. Once they separated, Lucas helped Lucy out of her cloak, passing it to Molly before reaching out and cupping his bride’s cheek.

“Lucy, go wait for me in the study,” he said softly, and reality slammed into her. Lucy's smile slipped from her lips, and her mouth opened as if to speak. She raised her eyes to his, her face flushing hotly as she was aware that everyone heard his order and knew the meaning behind those simple words. She saw his eyebrow quirk as if asking whether she had so quickly forgotten her promised spanking as well as the vows she had just made. Swallowing hard, Lucy closed her mouth and nodded. It felt as if her back were being branded as she felt the weight of several pairs of eyes watching her as she began her solitary walk down the long hallway. After a moment when she accepted the fact that this was the price for her own ridiculous tantrum, she straightened her back and her steps grew more sure as she obeyed the first order given by her husband.

Chapter 7

Edward was handing Louisa’s cloak to Molly as he heard Lucas’ order to Lucy. He didn’t speak as he watched her silently walk down the hall. Louisa turned to Lucas, her hand reaching out to touch his arm.

“She just married,” Louisa said, her voice pleading. “Lucas, please, you are barely wed. Couldn’t you—”

“Be silent, Louisa,” Edward said, sternly.

“But, Papa,” she continued, “it isn't fair. It’s just this once. Surely he—”

“Louisa Michelle Wintercrest,” Edward said, reaching to take her arm. “As you say, Lucy just wed, meaning she also just gave her vows. I suggest you remember yours as well. Have you forgotten that Lucille earned the spanking she is to receive by her unacceptable behavior this morning? We all knew that she would be punished upon our return home.”

“Yes, I know, but she did say she was sorry. Perhaps Lucas could—”

“I fear you are forgetting a great deal, young lady,” Edward interrupted, his words clipped in a tone that showed his disapproval. “You are to respectfully address Lord Huntington as sir, or, now that he has married your sister, Uncle Lucas shall suffice. However, you are not to be so familiar that it allows you to forget your proper place nor his proper authority,” he said, and was pleased to see her flush with embarrassment at her improper address.

“Yes, sir,” Louisa said. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to be disrespectful. It-it is just… well, it is Lucy's wedding day, and I thought… I mean, what could it hurt if—”

“Enough!” Edward snapped curtly. He was amazed that she continued to ignore his warning and kept arguing. “Marriage, as you know, little lady, does not negate the need for discipline. In fact, marriage demands a husband take an even firmer hand,” Edward said sternly only to be stunned when he saw her mouth open as if already preparing to counter his words.

“Louisa,” he said, reaching out to cup her chin. “Young lady, you are to remain absolutely silent. If you so much as utter another word, I promise you shall spend the rest of the day not only with a burning bottom, but you shall have a

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