Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,19

her dress.

Reed smiled as he recognized the guilt she was trying to hide. He dealt weekly with naughty little girls and knew he was watching one at this moment. He wondered what she had done to feel such guilt and then found himself wishing that she had been naughty during services so that she would be forced to answer to him, as well.

“Lord Huntington, is there a problem?” Reed asked as he stopped before the couple. His brow furrowed as he made a point of looking directly at Lucy, drawing the moment out as if he were truly concerned. “My dear, you look far more like a naughty little girl than a blushing bride-to-be. Child, confession is good for your soul.” He could practically see the small woman squirming with her repressed guilt.

“Since you are not yet a married woman, Lord Huntington is not yet responsible for your spiritual soul. I suggest you accompany me to my chambers so that we might speak in private. I shall hear your confession so that your heart may be untroubled.” Lucy remained silent though her eyes spoke the truth of his words. His eyes continued to bore into her own until she began to tremble, her mouth parting as if the confess on the spot. Oh, some little one felt very guilty indeed. About to assure her that the only cure to releasing that guilt was to atone for it, Reed lifted his hand to take her arm, only then realizing that he still held the official documents in his hand. Evidently Huntington saw it as well.

“I assure you that the responsibility became mine the moment the decision was made to wed, Pastor Reed,” Lucas said. His tone was one of a man who was unused to having his behavior questioned. His unwavering gaze bored into Reed as if he were making sure he understood his words fully. “If Miss Furniss has any soul-searching to do or confessions to make, I assure you, she shall be making them to me.”

“Certainly, Lord Huntington,” Reed said. “I was just concerned with your little one as she seems—”

“As I stated, Miss Furniss’ concerns are mine. There is no need for you to worry yourself about how she seems,” Lucas interrupted, any regard for basic politeness evidently no longer even being attempted. “I see you brought the documents.”

Not one used to being made to feel judged, far more comfortable with doing the judging himself as was his God-given right as a man of the cloth, Reed watched as Huntington finally managed to pry his hands off the little beauty in order to reach into his coat and withdraw his wallet. He handed some folded notes to Reed as payment for the special license he had requested.

“I certainly appreciate your time and service on our behalf,” Lucas said.

Despite wanting nothing more than to smite the arrogant look off the patronizing man’s face, Reed managed a smile and nodded. “Think nothing of it, Lord Huntington.” Reed looked down at the woman he desired. “Though again, I feel I must state that yours has been something of a whirlwind romance. Perhaps you’d consider—”

“As the good book states, the Lord will speak to my heart even as he speaks to the one I’m to spend the rest of my life with,” Lucas said, looking down at his fiancée and once more reaching out to pull her to his side before he looked at Reed again, a smile on his lips. “I don’t recall it saying a single word about a specific time to wait to wed.”

Reed knew the man was mocking him and practically committing blasphemy but reluctantly released his hold on the papers when Lucas reached out to take them. The moment they slid from his fingers, any chance of Lucy being free to wed another disappeared. “It was my pleasure to be of service. When would you desire the ceremony to take place?” Reed asked with a barely concealed sigh.

Chapter 6

Lucy had stood quietly at Lucas’ side, listening to every word exchanged but also understanding there were so many left unsaid. Pastor Reed’s disapproval rolled off him in waves and yet Lucas seemed totally unconcerned and when he pulled her close, assuring the pastor that he knew Lucy was his soul mate, her heart had swelled and her churning emotions had calmed. As Lucas took possession of whatever papers Pastor Reed had prepared, she saw Edward and Louisa approaching. Hearing the question Reed asked, she suddenly realized that everyone

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