Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,13

moments. The only sound in the room was the soft ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall. When he did move to take a step toward her, Lucy immediately stepped back. Her hands moved behind her to hover over her bottom, her blood pounding as she watched Lucas continue to approach her. He stopped a foot from her and looked down from his considerable height into her upturned face. Lucy felt trapped and unable to move, though Lucas was not touching her in any way. His words seemed to fill the entire room though he spoke quietly and without anger.

“I am not a man you can manipulate into playing games, Lucille,” Lucas said. “I do not care what Charles would or would not do or expect from you. All I’m concerned about is what I expect from you.” He paused and then said in a tone she would learn never to ignore, “What you can be sure of, young lady, is that I will always expect absolute and complete obedience.”

She was trembling and having trouble catching her breath, not able to tear her eyes from his. His next words completely shocked her.

“If you do not wish to wear the clothing you were given, kitten, then I shall not require you to do so,” Lucas said with a soft smile.

Lucy didn’t return the smile but finally managed to tear her eyes from his. She looked around thinking perhaps she’d misheard him. Mrs. Bremmer stood a few feet away, her face a mask of disapproval that was reflected in Edward’s expression as well. Only Louisa was staring at her, violet eyes wide but her crinkled nose showed her confusion in what she’d heard.

Turning back to where Lucas remained a mere arm’s length away from her, Lucy asked, “So you aren’t going to make me wear childish dresses?”

“I am telling you that the matter of your clothing is your choice, my dear,” Lucas said. “I believe you are beautifully dressed, but as I have said, the choice to submit to wear what has been provided is yours.” Lucas held her gaze for a moment and then shrugged his massive shoulders.

Lucy watched as he turned from her and walked back to the table where he pulled his chair out and turned it to face Lucy. Everyone watched as he calmly sat down. Lucy felt everyone’s attention return to her, and she flushed. She turned his words over in her mind, wondering why his last statement was making her feel uneasy. As he continued to sit and just look at her, she finally began to turn with the intention of leaving the room to change back into her regular, though still childish, clothing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Edward begin to rise, but when he saw Lucas give a quick shake of his head, Edward lowered himself back down in his chair.

Sitting at the table, Louisa was frozen in her own chair, and Lucy couldn’t help but feel as if her sister was attempting to communicate something to her. She saw her twin look from her husband to a corner of the room and then back to Lucy and a picture of her twin standing with her nose against the wall, her dress lifted to display her red bottom bloomed in Lucy’s mind. Lucy knew her sister was trying to tell her that she feared Lucy was about to find herself facing that same fate. But Lucas wasn’t Edward. Lucas had just stated it was her choice what she would wear. Giving her sister a shaky smile, Lucy shook off her unease and took another few steps.

“Lucille, where are you going?”

Lucas’ question had Lucy halting and turning to face him. “To my room?” She said softy as if unsure of her destination. She cleared her throat and spoke a bit louder. “I'm going to change, Lucas. I promise, I’ll hurry so we can—”

“I’m afraid you misunderstood,” Lucas said firmly, his tone causing her tentative smile to disappear from her face. “Lucille, if you do not wish to accept with gratitude what is provided for you in this household, then you may simply remove your clothing and wear only what the good Lord provided you.”

“Wh… what?” she said, her voice squeaking. Lucy was positive she hadn’t heard him correctly, but the sight of Edward’s nod of approval and the sound of Louisa’s soft gasp, told Lucy that the trap she’d feared had just been sprung. Her face flamed scarlet as her

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