Her Cowboy Prince - Madeline Ash Page 0,124

advisor continued with a frown. “Obviously, it would look poor on the global stage for a member of our royal family to be attacked in our streets. It could convey far greater tension between the monarchy and our people than this situation warrants. In addition to his royal appearances, my concern is Kristof’s habit of socializing in Kira City. The people will notice his absence.” He paused and gestured out the window. “A possible solution is to say that Kristof is abroad.”

“That could work,” Kris said, feeling muzzy.

Mark nodded at him, then exchanged a somber glance with Ava. “I’ll resume the king’s duties in the meantime.”

“The other thing to consider,” Philip said, “is that a six-week recovery will bring us two weeks from the coronation.”

“These injuries aren’t forever.” Kris closed his eyes as his side throbbed. God above, this stab wound was a bastard. “I’ll still do that.”

Philip sounded affronted. “You’ll still do what?”

“The coronation.”

“One doesn’t do a coronation—”

“About that,” Tommy interrupted quietly.

The room fell silent—and Kris almost drifted back to sleep. He jolted, opening his eyes when Frankie tapped him lightly and held out a glass of water and painkillers. He nodded and started the drawn-out shift into sitting up. Putting the glass and tablets aside, she crawled across the bed to his other side and slid a pillow under his back.

“I love you,” he murmured, and she smiled and kissed his bruised cheek.

“Yes, Tomas?” Philip said.

Kris returned his attention to the conversation as his brother stood.

Tommy was sweating. His jaw was tight. Kris had the fleeting fear he was about to admit that he couldn’t handle royal life anymore, that he was going to return home to Sage Haven and wouldn’t be here for the coronation. That was until Tommy said—

“I’d like to be king.”

The words settled into a stunned silence.

No one spoke.

No one even moved, until—

“You’d what?” Philip asked faintly.

“You’d what?” Kris demanded, sitting up straight and catching a cry of pain behind his teeth as his stitches pulled and his ribs screamed.

Mark stood to face Tommy, concern tight in his stance. “What do you mean, Tom?”

Tommy held himself perfectly still. No jiggling, no avoiding eye contact as he stared back at Mark. “I want to do it.”

“No way,” Kris said, and started to say, “Over my dead—” until Frankie slid a hand over his mouth and said, “Shh.”

Tommy’s attention slid to him, and Kris felt pain in his chest that had nothing to do with his injuries. “I’m next in line, Kris.”

With Frankie’s hand firmly in place, Kris shook his head.

“I know you think it’ll be too much for me.” Tommy’s gaze was steady, but Kris could see apprehension in his reserved gaze. “You might be right. But you have to recover. And Mark shouldn’t have to step back into a role he’s not ultimately going to fill. Kris, you only offered to ascend because you’d do anything for Mark and me—not because you actually want to do it.”

Kris shook his head again, eyes pleading. You don’t have to do this.

But Tommy said, “I want to be king.”

Denial surged inside Kris, and he said a muffled, “Why?” against Frankie’s hand.

Kris had been in a fight—that was all. A few injuries shouldn’t cause his brother to cut himself open in an attempt to balance the scales. Tommy didn’t owe him this.

“You told me you’re terrified of being king,” Tommy said carefully, and Mark jerked around to look at Kris. “And you were going to do it anyway.”

Heartsore, Kris just shook his head again.

“The thing is,” his brother continued, “I’m not terrified of being king. I’m terrified of crowds, and meeting new people, and social interactions. But not ruling.”

Frankie and Philip were exchanging a long look.

“Tommy,” Frankie said, removing her hand from Kris’s mouth and shifting onto her knees. Kris prayed she was going to talk his brother out of it. “I have to remind you about Adam. If you do this, you’ll make yourself even more of a target.” She stared at him—and even though he shifted his stance, he stared back. “You’re smart and unreadable and no one really knows you. Mark says he’s never mentioned your anxiety to Adam. You’re an unknown quantity. He’ll want to weigh you up, but I believe he’ll try to take you down.” She paused, angling her head. “Until we’ve caught him, it’s a high-risk position, even with the guards.”

“I understand,” he answered.

Silence crept through the room again as everyone shared glances. Mark looked at Kris as they both seemed

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