Her Christmas Detective - Laura Ann Page 0,9

Seagull Cove? This missing ring is as exciting as it gets around here.”

Bella played with the condensation on her water glass. “Grandma needed help and I was available.” She sighed and pushed the glass away. “I’m sure you already knew that though.”

Hank nodded, confirming that Sheriff Davidson had said something similar.

“Plus, I needed a change of scenery. I wasn’t getting anywhere. Nobody is willing to let me break into the industry, and so I hoped that this might be a little vacation to help reset my confidence.” She gave him a crooked grin.

Hank laughed softly. “And then a mystery just fell right into your lap.”

“Right?!” Bella exclaimed, her voice sounding much more excited than it had a moment before. “I mean...it seems like such a gift.” She leaned forward. “And add in the fact that a hunky detective is the one working the case, and what woman can resist that?”

Hank huffed and grinned. “You don’t mince words, do you?” He had to admit to himself that he was flattered though. She hadn’t exactly made him think he was hideous, but hearing her say it out loud was good for his ego, and helped in his decision to keep getting to know her.

Bella shrugged. “Why bother? Neither of us will be here for that long, so why not jump right into the thick of it?”

“The seafood scampi?”

Hank turned to the waiter and they waited for the food to be set down. The table was quiet for a few minutes as they both began to eat.

“So...you didn’t really answer before,” Bella ventured. “Now that I’ve hung myself out to dry, I’d like to know your thoughts.”

Hank paused, wiped his mouth with his napkin, and set it back in his lap. He was purposefully taking a little extra time, his mind spinning with everything she’d said. Yes, he wanted to get to know her, but he still was hesitant about the partner thing. He felt bad that she’d been struggling with her career and wanted to help her, but a stolen ring in a tiny seaside town wasn’t going to be the break she was hoping for. Not to mention that his interest in her meant that he had an automatic desire to protect her. Letting her in on the job would mean letting her in on the danger...or at least possible danger. And that went against every grain in his body. “Since you were upfront, I’ll be honest as well.”

“Thank you, I appreciate that.” Bella tilted her head and looked at him with an open expression.

“I’m...torn.” He put up a hand before she could interrupt. “I can appreciate that you want to further your career. No one can blame you for that. Although, I have to wonder why you think a petty theft case in Seagull Cove is going to be useful.” He leaned in a little. “And I’ve never been one to turn down time with a beautiful woman, but I am one to protect them. You wanting to be in on the action goes against my instincts.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “I don’t need protecting, Henry. Like you said, this is a petty theft case. But if I can write a story that actually gets published, even if it is in a small town, it gives me something to put in my portfolio. Right now my resume is full of fluffy pieces because it’s the only thing I can get in on.” She snorted in disgust. “People think women like me should be in heels rather than running shoes, and it’s dumb.”

Hank knew if they worked together, he would absolutely protect her, despite her protests. But she had a point about her resume. No one would take her seriously if she didn’t have any experience. And the fact that this was such a minimal case should hopefully mean there wasn’t any real danger. The whole thing was probably a senile guest, or someone who was hard up on cash. Letting out a long breath, he nodded firmly, his mind made up. “Okay. You can stick around if you want. But!” He held up a finger. “If something starts to go wrong, I want your word that you’ll follow what I say. If I tell you to abandon ship, you do it without question. Deal?”

Bella’s smile could have lit up every home in their tiny town, and Hank felt himself grow warm at the fact that it was directed at him. “Absolutely.” She held her hand over the table, gave him a

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