Her Christmas Detective - Laura Ann Page 0,37

keep calling me delicious.”

Bella laughed and kicked her legs. “I’m going to lose my shoes if you don’t put me down.”

Hank grinned and slowly lowered her to her feet. He kept a hold of her for a moment to make sure she had her balance before completely letting go. His desire for her was growing insatiable. If he didn’t back away now, he might not do it at all. “Considering the fact that those shoes are a hazard to mankind, I don’t know that that would be much of a travesty.”

She scowled at him and smoothed her dress over her midsection. “These shoes are the only reason I’m not trampled on by all you jolly green giants running around.” She sniffed and put her nose in the air with feigned snobbery.

Hank grinned and took her hand in his. “Lead me to the display room, my beautiful woman. I’m starving and you promised me cinnamon and sugar.”

“Cinnamon and sugar that Emory baked to perfection,” Bella corrected, walking him through the mansion.

“That’s right. Apparently I don’t want the stuff you baked.”

She elbowed him in the side, but was smiling. “I’d argue the point, but really...you don’t want anything I bake. I’m awful.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his side. “Good thing you have other gifts to recommend you.”

“One of these days when the case is solved, I’ll have you sit down and tell them all to me,” she quipped, making Hank laugh harder.

“That’s my girl,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head as they entered the festival room. His eyes roamed. “We did a pretty good job in here. No one should be able to tell it was completely remade.”

“We did,” Bella said, the satisfaction clear in her voice. “It’s like a fairy world.” She smiled up at him. “Speaking of fairies, you have got to see what Antony made for his entry. It’s otherworldly.”

“Whoa...even better than Emory’s house?” Hank had seen Emory’s display several times during its creation since he had spent so much time at the inn. She had more talent in her little finger than most people did in their whole body. Her house looked like a Norman Rockwell painting. The intricacy of her work still made him shake his head.

Bella looked around and leaned in, her hand covering her mouth. “It is. But don’t tell Emory I said that. She’s amazing, but Antony’s is...” Bella made a face. “I don’t think there are words to describe it.”

“This I have to see,” Hank murmured. “Show the way.”

Bella tugged him along. “Right over there.” She pointed to the curve of the display.

Hank felt his eyes widen. “Holy cow.” The gingerbread tree looked like something out of Narnia. Bella was right, there were no words to describe his abilities.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” she whispered.

“What?” Hank looked down into her bright eyes. The low lights in the room highlighted the shadows and contours of her face and he wished they were alone right now. This group might be a blessing in disguise, he scolded himself. If I was alone with Bella, I have to admit I’d be hard-pressed to keep my actions appropriate.

“If Antony and Emory get married, they’re going to have like...super babies,” Bella said, shaking her head. “Can you imagine the artistic talent those two would create? I’ll bet one of their kids will be an Iron Chef.”

Hank barked out a laugh, then forced himself into submission when several people looked his way.

“I can’t take you anywhere,” Bella huffed, putting her hands on her hips. “It wasn’t funny. I was serious.”

“And that’s exactly why it was funny.”

She grinned and winked. “Maybe I should quit my day job.”

“If that’s what you want,” Hank said, his attention straying to the table of baked goods. “But not before you feed me.”

“Women haven’t done that since they were liberated,” Bella stated firmly. “But I’ll take you to the table so you can feed yourself.”

“So mean.”

She laughed. “Get used to it, Sherlock.”

Hank followed her to the table, feeling lighter and happier than he had in ages. He had no idea how his life had become so much more than it was before. Falling in love had somehow eased the burdens he carried, made work less satisfying, and made his off time something to look forward to.

He watched her fill a plate with goodies. Her smile and laughter resonated deep inside him and he had to bite his tongue from sharing his feelings. He had high hopes

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