Her CEO - Flora Ferrari Page 0,13

hand in his and kisses it first before joining his lips to mine, he tells me he’s proud of me.

“I can’t wait to show you…” he starts to say, but his eyes shining brighter to match his smile tell me the ride of my life has only just begun.

He scoops me up, making me squeal as he lifts me up into his arms as if I weigh nothing, and soon enough I feel the definite hot pressure of his satisfaction pressing into my back as he carries me to the elevator and out to his car.

Chapter Ten


I have my prize, but I’m still yet to claim her. I tell myself I can wait.

A little while longer anyway.

At least until we get home, which for now is going to be the suite in the hotel above the restaurant. I couldn’t wait much longer than that, and given the sounds Alyson is making I don’t think she can wait much longer either.

I smile at the string of tickets on my car, still parked at an odd angle from the sidewalk. Strangely enough, the doors unlocked and key in the ignition still.

But nothing much matters anymore. I have the most valuable thing in my life, finally. I don’t ever remember feeling so happy, proud and excited all at once.

Life really isn’t about money, things or property. It’s about the one you love being close enough to tell them so.

Too soon for that? I decide to wait, but the evening traffic, although light, seems to be deliberately adding to my waiting time. Making me feel like it's Christmas Eve and I want to open my present now.

Finally, I pull up at the hotel making Alyson look a little confused.

“This is where we had lunch,” she muses and joining the dots once the valet takes my key and exchanges it for a key card for our suite, it clicks.

“You live here too?” she asks, her eyes even wider as she looks up at the entire span of the building, some eighty stories high.

“Right at the top, when I’m in the city,” I tell her, helping her out of the car and taking her arm in mine as we move through the lobby, a few raised brows but nothing but nods and ‘good evening Mr. Chambers’ from the staff.

I feel Alyson’s arm start to tremble, not from anticipation this time, but maybe from being a little overwhelmed.

“Hey,” I whisper, leaning toward her as we get into the elevator. “It’s still me. Just you and me, remember?”

I feel better when the doors close and she leans back into me, then turns to let me kiss her fully on the mouth.

“I think I…” she starts to say, but the elevator stops suddenly and pings, a group of tourists apologizing, they want one going down.

Which is what I intend to be doing, any minute.

Promising myself to take the private elevator next time, I’m left wondering what she was going to tell me, but have a hunch it’s the words for the feeling I have blossoming inside me.

The same feeling I had the moment I laid eyes on her.

I sigh happily, squeezing her close as the elevator pings open again, right at the top which is our floor. A quarter of it is taken up with our suite.

Rounding the corridor, my happy face falls and a protective growl escapes me as I see a short, burly man in a cheap suit with what looks like a sheriff… a bailiff next to him as we get closer.

Suit man waves a yellow envelope under my nose as soon as I’m close enough, making me gently push Alyson behind me as I grab hold of his wrist, hard.

He winces and the bailiff clears his throat.

“None of that, Mr. Chambers. We’re just doing our jobs,” the bailiff says jovially, but cracking his knuckles loud enough for me to hear.

“He tried to assault me with this envelope,” I inform them both through gritted teeth, clamping down hard enough to make the man regret trying to be cute with me. Especially when I’m on my way to make love to my woman.

“You’ve been served,” is all the man in the suit says, and at once I get a whiff of his bad breath, cheap cologne and forty-five percent fee from any settlement case, which I’m pretty sure is waiting for me inside the envelope.

“And you’ve been warned,” I rebuke them both. “See you two in court once my own papers get served. I’ll make sure to

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