Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,70

pieces. You’re not the same Morrison Rowe those stuck-up dog people knew in the past. Coming back to the show world isn’t a comedown for you, it’s a step up you’re lucky enough to be able to take advantage of. You’re dog show royalty. Wear your crown and strut.”

Morrison’s eyes danced in the low light of my kitchen. “Boyfriend? Found family?” His lips moved, but no other words came out.

“You know how much my family loves you. You’re one of us whether you like it or not.” I felt my cheeks flush. “As for the part about you being my boyfriend…” I knelt in front of his chair. “I should have asked you properly, in case you’re totally against the idea. Will you be my boyfriend, Morrison?” I held my breath as the smile on his face brightened. I’d never asked this question before. Not knowing what else to do, I picked up his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.

“I can’t believe it. Yes!” Morrison giggled and slapped his hand over his lips.

I pulled him out of his chair into an awkward sort of hug mixed with a happy dance. Before long we were bouncing around the room with our arms around each other and laughing like fools.

“Thank you for the advice. If it were up to me, I probably would have spent the weekend pouting.” Morrison chuckled.

“I sort of thought the same thing. We both know your father is trying to play you. He knows how much you dislike the show world and he’s eating that up. Don’t give him the satisfaction. Smile so goddamned much it hurts. You know people will report back to him and wouldn’t it frost his cookies if you were smiling in every picture or video clip he sees?”

“That’s an interesting thought. My old formula was to show the old man just how miserable I was.”

“How did that work for you?” I knew the answer to the question and I didn’t know Morrison’s father from Adam.

“It didn’t,” Morrison said, seeming surprised by his answer.

“Trust the wisdom of my brothers,” I said, sounding like Gandalf. “When you get back, we’ll throw you a huge party to celebrate.”

“How is that possible? You won’t know if the dog wins until Sunday night.”

I pressed a long kiss to Morrison’s lips. “In my eyes, you’ve already won.”

Morrison opened his mouth, seemingly to object, but I didn’t give him the opportunity. I kissed him again, slipping my hands into the back pockets of his jeans to pull him closer. “You’ve got a kickass boyfriend and you’re a kickass uncle. Sophie and Lola think you hung the moon. So do I.”

“No one’s ever said that to me before.”

“Get used to it. You’re going to hear it all the time.” I’d die a happy man if I could spend the next fifty years reminding Morrison of what makes him so amazing.

His hands slid under my shirt, his fingers tangling in the fur covering my stomach. “I know I’m just a guest in this house, but would it be rude of me if I told you to take me to bed?” Gone was Morrison’s shy smile, in its place was a look of raw hunger and need.

“I think that could be arranged.” I took his hand, giving it a squeeze, and led him to the stairs. Morrison might only be leaving for four days, but I wanted him to leave feeling the ghost of my touch on his entire body.

When the shit hit the fan with Stan and my time in the United States Coast Guard ended, I thought my life was doomed to the bottom rung of the ladder. In a million years, I never could have seen Morrison and what he would bring into my life. Happiness. Red-hot sex. Companionship, and dare I say it? Love.



I was ready to take on all the pains and responsibilities of Westminster thanks to Hennessey’s pep talk the other night. While my father passed along his list of last-minute requirements for my appearance and Braxton’s care, I managed to keep my temper and rolling eyes in check. If not for Hennessey, it would have turned into a screaming match.

My father’s worst quality was the way he used backhanded compliments to get his point across. When I pointed out I was a champion dog handler and knew exactly what I was doing, my father pointed out that was seven years ago. He was right, but in those years, I was still handling German Shepherds,

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