Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,52

long way in healing our fractured bond.

Drummond steepled his fingers in front of his face. “And you think that pup should go to the daredevil toddler?”

“If you and her parents agree, yes.” I offered my father a smile. “There’s no better place than Bear Creek Kennel for a German Shepherd puppy.”

“There’s no need to kiss my ass, son.” A slight smile quirked his lips but was gone as fast as it came. “I’ll think about it. Now tell me more about this Jameson.”

It took all my willpower not to roll my eyes at my father. “Hennessey, Dad, not Jameson.”

“Who the hell are these people that would name their only son after a bottle of cheap cognac?” Drummond seemed more offended by the price point of said booze than the fact we were discussing the man I was dating.

There was the snob I’d grown up with. “Hennessey is his mother’s maiden name.” I didn’t know this for a fact, but I sure as hell knew Hennessey wasn’t named after booze.

“Interesting. Why did they take in all those kids?” Drummond relaxed back in his chair.

I felt like I’d entered The Twilight Zone. This was the longest conversation we’d had in years that didn’t involve one or both of us screaming at each other. “Not every child had the same life you gave me.”

“I already warned you once about kissing my ass.” That slight smile was back.

“I’m not kissing anything.” I meant every word. “You never raised a hand to me, drank too much, or did drugs. I was always safe, fed, and clean. Not every kid has those advantages in their lives. The McCoys wanted to be a stabilizing force for these kids and give them a home they’d feel safe to live in.” I thought what they did was commendable, not that I’d tell my father. At least not yet.

“You’ve been out with this Hennessey?” Drummond’s tone wasn’t judgmental but not completely conversational either.

“A couple of times. I like him. He took me to see a play and then dinner at Bellissimo. Food was amazing.” The Salem-based eatery had earned two Michelin stars in the couple of years it had been in business. It didn’t get better than that in the restaurant world. Dinner after the performance of Kinky Boots had been Hennessey’s treat.

Drummond balanced his chin on his index fingers. I knew that meant he was thinking. I kept my mouth shut and let him go through his own series of machinations. My father might be straight, but he was the most dramatic man I knew. At least now I knew where I got it from.

“Here’s my deal, take it or leave it.” Drummond’s entire demeanor lit up like a Christmas tree. There was nothing my father liked more than making a deal.

I prepared myself for the worst while allowing a tiny shimmer inside me to hope for the best. “Tell me.”

“The little girl gets the puppy if you agree to be my handler for Westminster.” Drummond smirked at me.

“Westminster? That’s next weekend.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How the hell was I going to get a dog ready to show in that short amount of time?

“Braxton is a winner.” My father seemed to be reading my mind. “He knows what to do in the ring. A couple of sessions with him, I’m sure you’ll be good to go.”

Obviously, Braxton was the dog. Was my father suggesting the dog would train me to be his handler? Christ, what the hell was next?

“I want you for The National Dog Show too.” Drummond crossed his arms over his chest and seemed to be waiting for me to react. “Two major shows a year.”

Was that it, or did he want a kidney too? “I want the puppy housebroken, crate trained, and obedience trained.”

“I said take it or leave it.” Drummond’s smile grew. He looked as if he were on the verge of victory.

“I’m making you a counteroffer.” I paused to let my words sink in. I hadn’t gotten this far in my life without learning how to negotiate. “Westminster will be here before you know it and the only thing worse than an unprepared dog is an unprepared handler. I can’t work with Braxton and train this new puppy. You know that. That’s what your take it or leave it deal is. I’m asking you for a favor, but you’re using my need as a way for you to get something you want. Something you’ve always wanted. Are you in or

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