Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,44

and a peach-colored tie. I looked damn good if I did say so myself.

My mind turned back to the upcoming date. There weren’t a lot of places in Gloucester that required a jacket and tie for dinner, especially during the summer. A couple of chic restaurants in Rockport required a tie, but you needed reservations months in advance to score dinner seating.

I supposed the night would be more magical if I sat back and let it come to me. Hennessey had obviously put a lot of thought into the planning, and it wouldn’t be fair to guess his plans ahead of time.

The ringing doorbell set Ahab barking and my nerves jangling. Looking through the peephole, I could see it was Hennessey. He was carrying what looked like an armload of flowers. “Hi!” I greeted as I opened the door.

Ahab stopped barking when my equally handsome date walked into the house.

“What’s all this?” Not only was Hennessy holding flowers, but he had a brown-handled shopping bag as well.

“I brought some little gifts to my favorite men.” Hennessey handed me the bright coral-colored daisies and pulled out some rawhide snacks for Ahab. “I saw you give Ahab a treat like this when he found Lola, so I took a chance.”

“They’re perfect. So are the flowers. Thank you, so much.” I walked into the kitchen, wondering what the hell I would put them in. I’d never been given flowers before. Remembering I had mason jars, I pulled a tall one out from under the sink and filled it with water. The blooms looked perfect. I’d have to remember to take a picture later.

“Are you ready to go?” Hennessey’s blue eyes sparkled in a way I’d never seen before.

“I am.” I grabbed my wallet and phone from the counter. “Any chance you’re going to give a hint about where we’re going?” I couldn’t help asking for a tiny clue.

“You want a little hint?” Hennessey’s voice dropped low.

I nodded, biting my lower lip.

“Okay. I’ll give you one.” Hennessey beckoned me to him with a crooked finger.

My heart pounded in my chest. Christ, he was the sexiest bastard on legs. I did what he asked, stopping directly in front of him. All I’d have to do was stand on tiptoes and I could kiss him.

Hennessey bent low to whisper in my ear. His beard tickled my neck. “We’re going out.” He laughed, sending puffs of hot breath against my neck. “Bye, Ahab. Be a good boy.”

He took my hand and led me toward the door. Hennessey could have been leading me toward a cliff for all I cared. I would have jumped to my death like a lemming for this handsome man I was falling for.

I held my breath in anticipation of him opening my door. Hennessey held out a hand to help me get settled.

“We’re going to have a great time. I promise you.” He grinned at me before shutting the door and running around to the driver’s side. I stayed quiet while he backed out of my driveway and headed for Western Avenue which fronted Pavilion Beach and the Man at the Wheel Statue. When he turned left onto Washington Street, I knew we were heading out of town. I did what I promised myself I’d do and sat back and relaxed. I noticed Hennessey was similarly relaxed. I hadn’t seen him like this since Ahab and I found Lola. I itched to ask him what had changed, but I stayed quiet. He would tell me in his own good time.

That time came after Hennessey turned onto Route 128 South, heading out of Gloucester and toward Manchester-by-the-Sea. “I know you’re dying to ask what’s happening.” Hennessey laughed. It was a happy sound filled with joy and something else that I thought might be relief.

“I am.” I nodded. “I had a great night planned for us up in New Hampshire. I’m not disappointed about saving that for another night, but I’m damn curious about why you wanted to take control of our date night.”

“You know, I took your advice and spoke to Kennedy about what was going on with Stan.” There was no hesitation in Hennessey’s voice. He had something to tell me and he was all in.

My good mood started to sour at the mention of his name. “I’m glad to hear that.” I was, but I didn’t want the whole night to be overrun by talk of Stan.

Hennessey reached out for my hand. “Kennedy texted me around four this morning and let me

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