Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,22

was Hennessey’s former commanding officer in the Coast Guard. He was skimming drugs from what they confiscated and selling them, using Hennessey as his unwitting fall guy. He ended up testifying against this guy and was discharged rather than indicted. The other guy went to federal prison.” So much for not betraying Hennessey’s trust. Although, I supposed all of the information was online if Nate or I had been inclined to look for it.

Nate blotted his mouth with a white napkin. “Jesus, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“You’ve known Kennedy Lynch longer than I have. Did you know anything about this?” I still wasn’t sure how I felt about this situation. It would have been different if we’d known each other for longer than three days. I would have had more of Hennessey’s character to go on. I felt like I was flying blind.

“Now that you mention it… I do remember hearing something about Hennessey leaving the Coast Guard, but I never knew the circumstances. Kennedy mentioned his brother being home and trying to get his civilian life in order, or something along those lines.”

“Hennessey told me the same thing.” I was more relieved than I expected to be when the stories matched up.

“Sounds like he did the honorable thing by helping out the prosecution.” Nate’s sharp eyes narrowed on me. I knew he was trying to figure out what was really going on in my head. “Why do I get the idea you and I aren’t on the same wavelength here?”

“I just don’t know.” I shook my head. “The commanding officer promised he’d get his revenge against Hennessey when he was released, and him showing up today is apparently the first step in that plan.” I realized the plan for revenge was the part of the story I was struggling with. Was this guy really going to stalk Hennessey? If we got closer, would he come after me too?

“If you’re not sure about the story Hennessey told you, look it up online.” Nate had his phone in his hand and started tapping the screen.

I didn’t need to do that. Kennedy’s word about his brother was good enough for me. “I believe Hennessey’s version of the story. It’s just that this man seems serious about doing something to get back at him.”

“Revenge doesn’t pay the bills, Morrison. If this guy has been in federal prison, it’s not going to be easy for him to get a job here or anywhere else for that matter. How the hell did he get from Kansas to Massachusetts in the first place? My guess is that as soon as the money runs out, this guy will slink back under whatever rock he crawled out from.” Nate seemed pretty sure of his prediction.

“I’d been wondering the same thing myself.” There were so many unknowns here and these were early days.

“I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but I will say one thing,” Nate began with a smile playing over his lips.

“You always tell me how to live my life. Who the hell are you kidding?” My favorite thing about Nate was that he always had my best interests at heart. Unlike my father, who was only interested in what benefited him.

Nate rolled his eyes. “Friends help friends. My guess is Hennessey is going to need a friend right now. Yeah, he’s got all of those hunky brothers to stand up for him, but it’s different when someone with no skin in the game is on your side.”

Nate had a good point. “He invited me to go lobstering with him this weekend. Is lobstering even a word? What do you even wear to catch a lobster?”

“It’s totally a word,” Nate said around giggles. “You must be thinking about going if you’re wondering what to wear.”

“He asked before the shit hit the fan. It sounded like a fun way to get to know him.” If I were being honest with myself, it still sounded like a good time.

“Yeah, but you’ve never been on a boat before. What if you get seasick?” Nate’s smile had been replaced with a worried look.

Christ, I’d wondered the same thing. What could be more romantic blowing chunks? “I didn’t think any of this out.” Hell, I didn’t even know how to swim.

“What do you mean? You can’t be upset that the man has a past. You do too, you know?”

“My past doesn’t include being kicked out of the Coast Guard and stalked by a man who thinks I ruined his

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