Hell's Belle - Ruby Vincent Page 0,125

to be careful.

“Are we taking that boat outside?” I asked.

His tone sharpened. “Why?”

“If we’re going by boat, I need seasick pills. Or else I’ll spend the entire trip locked in the toilet.”

“The boat’s stocked. I’m sure there are pills in there somewhere.”

Confirming that we are leaving by boat.

My gaze drifted out the window to the vessel rocking lazily on the water. If our means of escape was sitting right outside, why were we still here?

I voiced the question aloud.

“I know you’re eager to get home, Arabella.”

Hands slipped around my waist. I went rigid under the kiss on my cheek. He had been touching, rubbing, and calling me sweet names since he came back from wherever he went. What was this man thinking after being separated from his wife for fourteen years?

“That little thing can’t make the trip to our new home in one leg, and stopping to refuel isn’t an option. Don’t worry, a chroí. I’ve taken care of everything.”

It was everything in me not to pull away as he trailed kisses down my throat and across my shoulder. “Where is our new home?”

“It’s a surprise,” he said. “Don’t burn my food.”

Obediently, I stirred the steak strips into the hash and turned off the stove. I served his lunch with a smile and another beer.

“Can I have a hint at least?” I sat across from him, sitting down with a meal I’d have to force down. I never liked steak and eggs hash. “Maybe I’ll guess.”

“I’ll give you a hint.” Mal caught my gaze and held it fast over the beer bottles. “It’s somewhere no one will ever find us.”


“You did what?!”

“We searched his room and found a few things you missed,” I said. “You’re welcome.”

Hanson flushed a dangerous shade of purple.

I had called the detectives to tell them our find, only to hear they were on their way to see us. Rosalie called the Adlers back and asked the other guys to enjoy the day while we met with the police. From the still and silent group of our friends keeping watch through the window, no one was enjoying anything.

“We found this.” I gestured to Preston who slid the note across the table. “It’s a routing number, day, time, and a boat registration number.”

Frowning, the detectives glanced at it but made no move to pick it up.

Rosalie did that for them. “You truly searched this man’s room? Does that mean— Preston, was Carlos telling the truth? You went to the inn and offered a blank check to Byrne’s possible co-conspirators?”


“What were you thinking?” his father shouted.

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” Ortiz chimed in. “What would possess you to do something like that?”

“I was thinking we have to get Belle back! Byrne could’ve approached other people on our team. If they’re helping him for the money, we’ve got more.”

Cecilia rose from her seat. “Has anyone contacted you?”

“Yes, but—” Preston looked away. “Seven messages to go there or check that place with a seven-figure price tag attached. When I reply they won’t see a cent unless the information leads us to Belle, the replies dry up.”

“Of course they do,” Hanson said. “This is murder and abduction. Anyone involved is wise enough not to let money draw them out. The rest are leaping on an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.”

“At least we’re doing something,” I hissed.

Ortiz gave me a level look. “As are we. It’s why we’re here. We subpoenaed the Airfield’s security tapes. A small plane did take off thirty minutes after Miss Adler was taken. We believe she and Mr. Byrne were on it.”


The three of us shot to our feet.

“Are you certain?” Mr. Adler asked.

“The picture is grainy, but we can clearly make out a tall, brunette man and slight blonde woman entering the plane. They had no luggage.”

“Belle,” Cecilia whispered.

“Are you trying to tell us Belle’s been gone the whole time?” Nathan stalked around the table with a look in his eye that forced Hanson’s hand up. “How did you miss that? They could be anywhere by now.”

“He clearly had this planned. The pilot was ready and standing by. The workers scheduled that day were late for one reason or other.”

“What do we do now?” Cecilia asked. “He’s right. They could be anywhere.”

“Not anywhere,” Ortiz said. “The type of plane they’re flying is small and has the tiny tank to match. An hour and a half and they need to refuel. They’re three places along the coast where they can do that. We’ve already informed

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