Hell's Belle - Ruby Vincent Page 0,111

life, and no one is doing a thing about it. Cleaning up the large debris is one thing. It’s the microplastics that pose the biggest challenge. They can be as small as five millimeters and have sunk as far as the ocean floor. How do you devise a net fine enough to scope them out and not catch fish, turtles, and all the rest in it?”

“I don’t see how you can,” I said.

“That’s the answer I came to,” he replied, voice wry. “Hence the frustration. But just because it’s difficult and expensive, doesn’t mean we give up and watch our planet die. An argument I’ve made to my father numerous times as I’ve pushed him to adopt environmentally friendly alternatives and eventually get the Knights out of the oil business.

“He refuses and so do my brothers. With them taking over, nothing is going to change, but I don’t see why I can’t be the one out of the five of us to do the right thing.”

“Are you starting a nonprofit?”

“Bigger than that, Belle.” He got up on his knees, gesturing like he was writing his future in the sky. “I’m starting an environmental consulting firm. We’ll work with the private and public sector, teaching our clients how and where to make changes. If I build a big enough name, I can bring in steady funding for research. Someone one day is going to invent the technology to clean up our oceans. Until then, I’ll work toward prevention and hire the best minds to move us forward.”

I smiled through his whole speech.

“What?” he asked.

“I love how passionate you are. You’ve got this energy that makes me certain everything you plan will come true.”

“Do I?” He dropped down next to me and draped an arm around my waist. I laughed as he flipped me on top of him. “It’s more accurate to say I’m vindictive.

“I’m out to get every last cent I can from my father because he’s going to pay for it. For dismissing me. Calling me an unrealistic idealist. Telling me to grow up and accept my duty to my family name while he cheated on my mother and dumped her like hot trash. It won’t mean nearly as much—at least not to me—unless my father pays.”

“I know.” I tangled in his silky strands, winding them around my fingers. “I wouldn’t call it vindictive as I would righteous retribution. And who knows, maybe one day your dad will call on your firm. I heard the pride in his voice when I told him you wanted to be your own man. Show him who that man is.”

Carter kissed the tip of my nose. “I like the way you talk too. It’s always been four against one. When I’m with you, it’s two.”

“It’s four,” I whispered. “You, me, Preston, and Nathan. Connected.”

“By you.”

I groaned, plopping my head on his. “I really hope your grumpy alter ego is taking a permanent holiday. Because you can’t be this sweet to me and go back to calling me a crusty ass barnacle.”

His laugh shook both of us. “You are my crusty ass barnacle. You want to hang on, baby, you have to take all sides of me. Our love story is going to be one bumpy hell of a ride. Filled with screaming matches, misunderstandings, wrong turns, hot make-up sex, building our dreams, and weaving those futures together. What do you have to say about that?”

“I say... do you want another grape?” I asked softly.

He scrunched up his face, then he nodded.

I plucked one from the stem, but didn’t hold it out. Eyes on him, I placed it between my teeth. He looked faintly surprised and then another emotion crossed his face.

Carter closed the distance and soft lips touched mine. The grape disappeared and tart sweetness filled my mouth, shared between us as the treat burst on his tongue.

Plates and glasses clinked as they were knocked aside. Carter flipped us, pressing me onto my blanket, linking our hands and holding them over my head. The kiss was a million first kisses in one. All the excitement, anticipation, nervous energy, and attraction bottled, and exploding between us.

His tongue teased mine, inviting me to play, and I was too happy to join in.

It wasn’t a sweet peck of two fumbling preteens figuring out where to put their hands. It was hot, messy, and hungry. Our tongues dueled in a ferocious battle, drawing moans as their captives. We tore at each other. I raked my fingers down his

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