Hell's Belle - Ruby Vincent Page 0,100

each other. The glittering ocean, dancing palms, sunny days, and warm nights were designed to hop us up on the happy drug and drive us to find someone to share it with.

Waking up early with Nathan and renting boards to surf the southside of the island. Midnight walks on the beach with Preston. Sharing slushies on the museum steps. Racing the golf carts around the property. More freaky sex than a girl can handle. It would be perfect if the ticking clock I refused to think about wasn’t hanging over our heads. As well as—

I heard a screech behind me.

Carter disappeared through the door, stepping onto the terrace now that I had left.

It would be perfect if not for the gaping wound Mal and I both dealt Carter Knight that day. I wished every day for his forgiveness, all the while knowing I wasn’t worthy of it.

My phone went off. Inching closer, I watched the breakfasting friends as I pulled it out.

“I’m on my way up, Z.”

“Z? Who is this Z?”

Terror pierced my heart, pumping biting cold through my veins.


“Hello, Arabella. Where are you?”

He asked the question so casually. Like he had reasonable expectation of receiving the answer.

“My name is Belle,” I snapped.

Mal continued like I hadn’t spoken. “You haven’t been home in weeks. Did those people send you somewhere? Abroad? Are you in England with that bitch’s family?”

“Why in the fuck would I tell you? When will you get it through your head, I hate you!” In a breath, I was screaming. “You’ve ruined my life! Hurt the people I care about! Tinged every second of every day with fear and suspicion! I will never want to be with you, you violent, pedophilic thug—!”

“Enough!” His bellow knocked me physically against the wall. “I will find you! Wherever you go, you can’t hide from—”

I threw the phone with all my strength. It sailed past Carter’s head as he rushed inside, flanked by Preston and Nathan. My knees gave out, dropping me hard on my backside.

“Belle?” Preston and Nathan knelt beside me. “What happened?”

“It was him,” I croaked. “He called.”

“Does he know where you are?” Nathan whipped his head around like he thought Mal would come around the corner. A paranoia we now shared.

I shook my head.

“It’ll be okay, Belle.” Preston hugged me tight. “He won’t come near you ever again. I promise.”

Preston carried me up to his room. He laid me down on his silk sheets and tucked me under his arm. Carter watched from the doorway as Nathan climbed in beside me. He lifted the sheets, tucking us in, and when they fell, Carter was gone.


“We don’t have to do this.”

Belle and I walked hand in hand across the green.

“It’s not too late to pack it up and head back to the villa,” I said.

“And let Mal overshadow another day of my life? I want to be here. With you. Like this. Until someone catches us.” She kissed the back of my knuckles. “How is the search for a wife going?”

“Do you really want to talk about this?”

Thick, dense trees surrounded, blanketing us in peace and solitude. We rode our cart over the green, leaving behind the dutiful couples beginning in order, and those who skipped the golf and went straight to the club café.

“I really want a distraction from Mal,” she replied, “and to know I’m not getting in the way of you making a better life for you and your mom. Every time I think of him, I’m reminded of why it’s so important.”

Grasping the back of her neck, I captured her lips in a rough kiss. Our tongues clashed, battling instead of dancing, and hungry moans poured from her as I ground our middles together. “You could never be in the way,” I said after we broke apart. “I am searching for someone, Belle. Talking with a few girls about what it would mean, but I respect you enough not to give the daily play-by-play of my mission to marry another woman.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Or maybe I shouldn’t. Be more of an inconsiderate jerk, baby. Then it won’t hurt so much when this summer is over.”

“You’ll have to take me out back and shoot me if you want to prevent the pain.” Our words were out of sync with the tender rubbing of our noses. The hands seeking soft flesh under our shirts and past our belts. “It’s going to hurt, but it doesn’t hurt right now.”

It hadn’t hurt for the last three weeks.

My grandfather

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