Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,69

up in his brain?”

Gil stared at him in disbelief. “You’re kidding me?” he roared.

Josh shrugged. “He’s the best resource we’ve got and now we get his loyalty. Because if we don’t, Max here is going to discover what we do to traitors.” The smile he aimed at Max was fucking evil.

“I’m yours,” Max said hurriedly. “All yours.”

Cal looked at Josh. He, more than the others, was used to handling and disposing of resources. “Your responsibility?”

“Oh no.” Josh shook his head. “I think Gil should carry on.”

He gave Max a hard stare. “Capiche?”

“Capiche,” Max whispered.

Gil stared at Josh as if he’d gone mad. “And when he betrays us again?”

“I won’t,” Max said hurriedly.

Josh and Gil ignored him.

“You know what to do,” Josh said as if the matter was settled.

“Yeah,” Gil growled. “I know.”

Josh thought Max was about to pass out he went so pale.

Chapter 19

Josh should have been paying attention.

Instead he’d been thinking about the phone sex between him and Cal the previous night. Cal was in Seattle with no return date. One week stretched into three as discussions at CDR took longer than expected. It seemed like an eternity. Josh was so cranky no one in Angel Enterprises wanted to come near him. He strongly suspected Cal’s demand for phone sex had been as a result of an intervention from Gil. Josh didn’t care. The lack of Cal fucking him into the mattress was getting to both of them. Hence phone sex with a large dildo. It had almost been like the old days when Cal was an anonymous contact and Josh had been very inventive. Still, nothing beat having the man in his bed.

Thinking about phone sex on an assignment was a fucking stupid thing to do. Now the muscle he’d been assigned to divert was lumbering toward him and some dude was in the way. Gil and Rick were going to be really pissed if he screwed this up. They only had a small window to download the data before someone would notice.

He should be doing the data retrieval, but Gil had insisted he was fully trained now and he needed to expand his skills. What he actually meant was he wanted to show off for Max. Josh wasn’t stupid. He knew exactly what was going on between Gil and Max. He just wished they’d get on with it so life could return to normal. Josh wasn’t designed to be anyone’s distraction. Except Cal’s. Where the hell was his Charlie?

Who the hell was this man getting in the way? The huge man lumbering towards him was obviously intent on physical violence. Why was he just standing there? The guy was about Cal’s size, but Man Mountain was twice his bulk and his hands were the size of dinner plates. Josh was intimidated and it took a lot to make him think twice. This guy didn’t twitch a muscle.

They were in a crowd of people in an art gallery. Gil and Rick had told him to flirt with the guy. Somehow he didn’t think he was the muscle’s idea of a good time. The muscle probably preferred to cozy up to his illegal Desert Eagle and Ammos R Us.

“Charlie’s gonna fucking kill me,” he muttered out loud.

The interference didn’t turn around. Someone in the business then. “Is Charlie your boss or your boyfriend?” he asked.

“Yes,” Josh said.

He preferred to think he and Charlie worked together but at this precise moment he didn’t think the guy needed a rundown on their relationship.

“Get out of my way,” the huge man snarled.

“Can’t do that, friend,” the interference said, his voice calm.

The man bared his teeth. “I ain’t your friend. Now get out of my way.”

“So you can hit my friend here? I don’t think so.”

“You are my friend, unlike the yeti here,” Josh said.

The interference groaned. “Not helping here.”

“I know. I’m not here to help. I’m here to distract.”

“Distract? You mean…?”

“Uh-huh. I’m supposed to distract Mr. Mountain over there while Gil and Rick do the real work.”

“I’ll just get out of your way then.”

The interference went to move away but Josh grabbed his jacket tightly. “Stay where you are. Mr. Mountain is confused and off-balance. This is good.”

“You know he’s going to hit me.”

“You’re a big boy. You can take it.”

Before the interference could respond the muscle charged. Instinct took over. The interference shoved Josh to one side and stepped out of the way of the charging man who crashed into a wall. Josh staggered back but he stayed out of the

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