Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,60

dropped. “Lillian!”

She lowered the weapon. “About time, boys. I thought I was going to have to do this by myself.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Cal hissed.

Lillian raised an eyebrow. Cal apologized.

She accepted it graciously, whispering, “You need extra help.”

Cal could hardly argue with that and he sensibly kept his mouth shut.

“What about your assignment?” Josh asked.

“Done already. Each building is cleared.”

“Why are you here? There are other buildings to check.”

“Our intel tells us this is where Moles has Weatherly at the moment. They’ve been moving all over London.”

“Your intel?” Josh asked.

“Yes,” she murmured.

“You didn’t think of sharing this information?” Cal snapped.

Lillian gave him a steady look. “We didn’t know who we could trust.”

Cal shut up.

Josh held back his grin. Sir Gee’s girls already had a network going. Interesting. He winked at her. She gave him a sly smile.

“We’ll talk later,” he mouthed.

She nodded in response.

“How did you get in here?”

“I’ve been here before,” Lillian said. “I came in via the small gate you did. You were right to pick that entrance. Unless she’s installed extra security, it’s out of sight of the cameras.”

Josh frowned. “The gate was alarmed.”

“You got around it,” she pointed out.

“We know what we’re doing,” Cal snapped.

“Oh dear,” she huffed. “You’re not going to be one of those men, are you? You know, the kind that think women are just there to bring the tea.”

“No, he’s not,” Josh said firmly. “He wouldn’t be that stupid.”

He scowled at Cal who huffed and subsided.

“Good, because men who make that mistake invariably end up paying the price.”

Her tone was so cool Josh almost shivered. She continued, obviously satisfied she’d made her point.

“Sir Gee was here for a meeting and I drove him. I was bored. People always think their security is better than it is so I decided to test it. I told Weatherly but she was more focused on her husband at that point. He was dying.”

They were all quiet. Weatherly had let things slip both at work and at home. She’d been to hell and back. She was still in hell, Josh reminded himself.

“As nice as this catch up is, we need to find Weatherly,” he said.

She nodded. “She’s not up here. I’ve been over the whole floor, but they’re here.”

“You heard the voices coming from the grate?”


Cal tapped his ear. “We have confirmation our package is here. Lillian is also here. We’ve cleared the top floor.”

“Copy that,” Max said, sounding excited.

“Understood,” Gil said. He didn’t make any comment about Lillian’s appearance. “We’ve cleared the buildings in the grounds and we’re on our way back.”

Josh wandered over to the window to see if he could see them. The garden stretched out a long way, flower beds below the window, then a lawn which badly needed mowing, and trees in the distance. A movement caught his eye from the left. He leaned forward to see their quarry stagger into the rose garden.

“Angel, it’s time to go. Are you listening to me?”

Josh flapped his hand at Cal’s irritated tone. “Why is Chyna putting the washing in the fountain?”

“She’s in the garden? What the hell are you talking about?” Cal joined him at the window. “That’s not the bloody washing. It’s Weatherly. The bitch is trying to drown her.”

He ran out of the room, nearly knocking Lillian off her feet. He ran downstairs, taking the stairs two at a time.

Josh was a few seconds behind him. “Call 911,” he yelled at Lillian. “We need an ambulance.”

He was out the door as he heard, “It’s 999.”

Ignoring that, he tapped his ear. “Moles is in the rose garden near the house. She’s trying to drown Weatherly.”

“Copy that,” Dave said.

By the time Josh reached the garden Cal had pulled Weatherly out of the stone fountain. He laid her on the ground. She was still, her face ashen, her lips turning blue. Water ran in rivulets from her sodden clothing. Cal ignored the water as he felt her neck. “There’s no pulse.”

“Get after Chyna,” Josh said. Gravel bit through the knees of his pants as he knelt beside Weatherly. Cal hesitated and Josh flapped at him. “Now!”

He didn’t wait for Cal to obey before he started chest compressions. He counted them under his breath before he did two rescue breaths. He’d started the compressions again before Lillian ran up to them.

“Ambulance is on the way.”

Josh nodded, still counting, then did two rescue breaths again. His heart sank as Weatherly didn’t stir. “Come on, you bitch, breathe.”

As he started on the compressions again, Lillian

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