Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,21

wanted, and instead he’d found himself dropped into more mystery and intrigue. He’d had enough. Josh longed for the days when all he’d done was provide security for someone. When his little team of three had traveled the world as a unit. Now he seemed to lurch from one crisis to another and it was too much. Too bloody much. ‘Bloody’ again. Josh rolled the word over his tongue. “Bloody, bloody, bloody!”

“Stop swearing,” Cal yelled.

Josh rolled his eyes and mouthed another bloody just because.

Chapter 6

The police officer stared at the finger.

Josh stared at the detective.

Drew Fox wasn’t what Josh expected from a British cop. Young, with dirty blond hair and lively brown eyes. He appeared to be sharp, on-the-ball, and perceptive. His companion, on the other hand, reeked rookie. He stared at the finger like it was about to leap off the table and throttle him.

Fox did the talking and Josh forced himself to concentrate on the questions and not his looks.

“You say you know who this finger belongs to?”

“We suspect it belongs to Lucinda Weatherly, the head of a British Intelligence Agency,” Cal said. “She was kidnapped yesterday by her personal assistant, Chyna Moles.”

Fox nodded. “You were very…sparse…with your information in your initial call.”

Cal sat back in his chair. “Let’s be blunt. If I’d told you everything on the phone, by the time you arrived the finger would have been gone. In fact, I’m surprised they’re not here already.”

“Why did you call us? Why not call your agency?”

Cal glanced at Josh, who shrugged.

Fox looked between them. “What am I missing?”

“We’re not convinced the agency is as invested in finding Ms. Weatherly as we are,” Josh said.

“So why call the police?”

“We have friends in the Met. They’ll make sure the evidence doesn’t disappear.” Cal pointed to the finger and packaging.

Fox nodded. “Okay then. Are you going to tell me about this Chyna Moles?”

“We don’t know much about her,” Josh said.

“Uh-huh.” From his disbelieving grunt, Fox obviously realized Josh wasn’t being forthcoming with all the truth. “How do you know the finger belongs to your agency head?”

Cal produced his phone and showed him the photo of Weatherly that Max had sent to him.

Fox studied it for a moment. “This is Weatherly with Graham Herring?”

“You know him?” Josh asked.

“We’ve crossed paths.” Fox didn’t sound impressed.

Josh exchanged glances with Cal. Why would a uniformed cop have crossed paths with a government spook?

“When was this taken?” Fox asked, seemingly unaware of their silent conversation.

“Two days ago. You see she is wearing the ring.” Josh pointed at the diamond.

“Nice ring!” the rookie exclaimed, and then flushed. “I mean—”

Fox waved his hand. “Good point. Robbery obviously wasn’t a motive.”

The rookie blushed even harder at the praise.

“We know what the motive is, we just have to find her, before we receive more than her finger in the post.” Cal had dressed in a navy suit and tie, and had taken the time to shave. He made Josh’s mouth water. Even in the midst of a crisis, Josh’s dick could be guaranteed to perk up at the sight of Callum Ross.

“Are you going to share this information?” Fox asked.

“The more information we share with you, the more chance Weatherly will end up in the Thames,” Cal said, somewhat impatiently. “We need you to take the finger, but delay posting the report for twenty-four hours.”

Fox’s mouth thinned. “Are you telling me how to do my job?”


The inspector gaped, then gave a wry smile. “At least you’re honest.”

“Just do what we ask and it’ll be fine. We’ll have Weatherly back and Moles will be dealt with.”

“You mean in police custody.”

Cal gave a thin smile. “That’s what I said.”

“No, you didn’t, but I expect the perpetrator to be in custody.” Fox nodded. “Twenty-four hours, Mr. Ross. Then I file the report.”

Josh stayed at the now-empty table and let Cal show the police officers out of the house, bearing a report with limited information and the finger in the box in an evidence bag. He closed his eyes to gather his thoughts.

He heard footsteps and then Cal draped his arms around Josh and kissed his cheek. “We should get back to the office, my angel. I want to leave before the agency turns up.”

“I know. Just give me a minute to think.” They stayed where they were, Josh resting his head on Cal’s chest. Finally, he opened his eyes and stared into Cal’s brilliant green gaze. “Do you think Fox will hold off filing the report?”

“I wouldn’t if an outside agency told

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