Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,19

hot shower at home. You’ll feel better. And bring me back something to wear.”

“I’ll pack us both clothes. You can take a break when I get back. And give Gil a chance to get to check in at the hotel.”

“You’d better ask Peter and Evan if they’ll feed your cat.”

Josh stared at him. “Oh fuck. I forgot Mr. Truffles. He’s going to kill me.”

“It was one night. He’ll be fine.”

“It was two nights. He’ll kill me. I’m dead to him.”

Mr. Truffles had adopted Josh before he left Seattle. He was a high-maintenance chocolate brown cat. He and Josh were a match made in heaven. Cal often complained the cat took longer in the bathroom than he did.

“You’d better get home then, before Mr. Truffles sics the RSPCA on you.”

Josh fled to find Dave and Rick. He knew he was going to pay for sending the photo to their wives. He just hoped they’d hold off until he’d made nice with his cat.

Mr. Truffles turned on his heels, stuck his tail up in the air and stalked down the hallway, radiating outrage with every paw.

Josh sighed. He was supposed to be organized and he couldn’t even remember his family. He headed into the kitchen and filled Mr. Truffles’s bowl with a pile of smelly cat food topped with egg and bacon. Yes, he spoiled his cat. Mr. Truffles demanded the best.

While the cat was gorging on food, Josh took the opportunity to take a long, hot shower. He turned on the shower, stripped off the clothes Cal had bought for him, and stepped into the bath. Closing his eyes, Josh let the pounding water relax his muscles. Cal was right. This was exactly what he needed. The water grew cool before Josh got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He took a few minutes to clean his teeth, shave and file his nails. By the time he was dressed, Josh felt more like his old self and less like the needy piece of crap who’d draped himself over Cal.

He spent a few moments filling a backpack for Cal and a few items for himself, then he headed into the kitchen to make nice with Mr. Truffles and make a pot of coffee.

There was a pile of post by the door that he hadn’t noticed when he’d walked in. He scooped it up and riffled through it as he made coffee. Most of the envelopes were bills. Josh ignored them and looked at the parcel addressed to him. He opened the brown envelope, curious to know what he’d been sent. A midnight blue velvet jeweler’s box dropped on the table. He grinned. Cal must have bought him something and forgotten it in the drama. He opened it and gagged, nearly dropping the box.

Get it together, Cooper.

He swallowed back against the sour taste in his mouth and observed the contents of the box.

A finger.

Up to the second knuckle.

A woman’s finger.

With pale pink nail varnish.

A huge diamond solitaire ring with a smear of red across the band, hanging loosely off the finger.

Resting in a bed of tissue paper.

He placed the box on the table and grabbed his phone.


“Angel? What’s the matter?”

No question. Cal could hear the strain in Josh’s voice.

“You need to get here now.”

“I’m on my way.”

Josh called Dave. Rick answered. “Where are you?”

“Just leaving Jesse’s house. Evan let us in. Nothing special there. What’s up?”

“Get here now.”

He heard Rick call Dave, then, “We’ll be there in five.”

Josh stayed where he was, staring at the finger. It wasn’t a young woman’s finger. An older woman. The skin was wrinkled, but not crepey like an elderly person. Like Weatherly.

When the doorbell rang, Josh jumped. He’d been so lost in his own thoughts he’d almost forgotten about Dave and Rick. He opened the door and Rick stared at him grim-faced.

“What happened? Are you all right?”

Josh pointed to the kitchen. “Go look on the table.”

They pushed past him, and he followed them slowly down the hallway. He heard the swearing before he’d gotten in the kitchen.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Dave slammed his fist into the wall.

“You repair any damage,” Josh said as mildly as he could.

Rick stood there, clenching his fists, his face bright crimson with anger. “I’m going to kill her.”

“Stand in line,” Josh said.

“Have you called the police?” Dave asked.

“Don’t be daft,” Rick snarled. “We don’t want them involved.”

Josh shook his head. “Not yet. I need Cal here first. I left the packaging in case it needs to go for forensics.”

Dave nodded. “If

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