Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,17

was a hostage.”

“You think you know her motivation?”

“I think Chyna sees the bigger picture. She’s got ambition that stretches beyond revenge for her brother.” Max took a slurp from his Coke can and grimaced when he realized it was empty. Josh got up, went to the fridge to fetch another can and handed it to Max, who took it almost gingerly. “Thanks.”

“You think this is about politics? Power play in the cartel?”

“What if Chyna wants to prove herself by bringing down the intelligence agency that killed her brother? Is she making a play for power?”

Josh hummed thoughtfully. “How do you prove this?”

“I don’t know yet.” Max popped the can. “But I can find out. I just need time.”

There was noise outside the doors and Josh tensed, only relaxing when Cal burst in, his arms full of groceries.

“You’ve been busy,” Josh said as he relieved Cal of two bags.

“We found a late-night store near Lucy Raymond’s place. You’d better get the ice-cream in the freezer before it melts.”

Josh looked in both bags and groaned with happiness. One was packed full of tubs of ice-cream. Josh decided he’d died and gone to heaven. Cal had bought his favorite flavor, Phish Food. He kissed Cal on his raspy cheek. “I love you.”

“Thought you’d be happy,” Cal said.

“There is no word to describe what I am now.” Josh waltzed off to the small freezer. He’d pack away all the ice-cream if it killed him.

“Where’s Gil?”

“He’s talking to Dominic.”

Josh smirked at Cal. “Oh. Perhaps I ought to go and talk to him too.”

“We want him on our side.”

“Dominic’s always on our side. He loves me.”

“You keep saying that,” Cal said as he unpacked the other bags, “but Dominic doesn’t agree.”

Josh’s relationship with the manager of CDR had been… fractious. Josh could think of many other things to call it, but fractious was probably the one with the least curse words. It wasn’t Josh’s fault he knew just how to push Dominic’s buttons until he exploded, the fiery color of his hair. Cal usually stayed out of their arguments. He said he liked his life peaceful. Josh just laughed in his face.

It was nearing three in the morning by the time Rick and Dave returned. Max had been forcibly manhandled off the laptop by Gil and told to sleep on one of the sofas. Gil dozed in a large office chair nearby. Josh had commandeered the other sofa and made Cal lie with him. Cal had protested, but Josh ignored him. He wrapped Cal in his arms as they squeezed together, and soon Cal dropped off into an uneasy doze. Josh stroked his hair every time Cal murmured in his sleep. Whatever he was dreaming about, it wasn’t easy. Josh awoke as the other two men arrived. They looked exhausted and Josh pointed to the two other large office chairs. They would do for a short sleep. Neither man grumbled as they flopped down. Josh was sure Dave was asleep before he closed his eyes. Cal mumbled again and Josh kissed the top of his head. He only hoped wherever Lucinda Weatherly was, they were treating her with respect.

“Rise and shine, my lovelies,” Josh sang out. “I have coffee.”

“Fuck off,” Rick muttered and buried his head back in his arms on the floor. At some point during the night, he’d given up on the chair and stretched out on the floor by the desk. To Josh’s amusement, he was spooned around Dave. Yes, Josh had taken a photo for blackmail purposes.

Gil stood, yawning widely and rolling his shoulders, wincing as something cracked. “That feels better.” He staggered off in the direction of the bathrooms, scratching his belly.

Max was already at work at the laptop and Cal sat beside him, their heads together as they looked at the screen. Josh was man enough to admit he was struggling with his feelings about Max, and seeing him so close to Cal was putting Josh’s teeth on edge.

He’d left everyone to sleep as long as he could, because they were all exhausted, but it was ten o’clock and Cal was edgy to get the meeting started.

Josh knelt by Rick and Dave. “If you don’t get up, I’ll post the photo of you two spooning on social media.”

He snorted as their eyes shot open in unison. “Morning, princesses.”

“You do that, and you are dead meat, Cooper,” Dave warned.

Josh got to his feet. “You really think that frightens me?” He waved his phone at them. “Your wives have already seen them.”

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