Up for Heir - Stella Starling Page 0,78

it had felt amazing when Leo had done it, but he’d never thought… he hadn’t realized he could make it feel good for himself, too.

Edvin circled his pebbling nipple and then pinched it, his back arching as heat shot down to his groin and a gasp escaped him.

“Quiet, love,” Leo said in a low, gravely voice, watching intently. Then he grabbed his whole pectoral muscle, digging his fingers in as he stifled a groan of his own… dragged those fingers across his nipple again as he stared at Edvin and then, when Edvin obediently mirrored that action, doing it again… and again… over and over until Edvin was panting, biting his lips to keep quiet as promised until he just… he couldn’t anymore.

“Shhhh, baby,” Leo said with a triumphant smile, making Edvin whimper again, but quieter, because he wanted to be good for his prince.

Leo sucked his fingers into his mouth again, doing both hands this time, then led Edvin back to circling the hard pink nubs that had become so ferociously sensitive… scraping them with his nails… pinching and tugging on them until Edvin’s chest was throbbing almost as hard as his erection was. He wasn’t the only one, either. Leo’s cock had visibly risen to full mast under the lounge pants he wore as he guided Edvin’s actions, and Edvin’s was twitching and leaking as he stared at it, mesmerized, his own sensitive head rubbing against the inside of his boxers until he almost wanted to scream.

“Please,” he whispered instead, not sure what he was asking for but knowing that Leo would.

Leo hissed out a low breath, still rolling the swollen nubs he held between his fingers as Edvin did the same. If Leo wanted to see him come from this alone, he probably could, although it wouldn’t just be from the erotic stimulation, it was… it was letting Leo decide. It was the heady rush of following his lead. The utter freedom of not thinking, just mirroring, with no room for inhibitions or doubts.

“Will you be working with the shipment of rare books that came in last week, darling?” Leo asked, the deeper timbre of his voice giving away his arousal but the words innocent enough to preserve Edvin’s privacy from any eavesdropping Bloms.

“Rare… um, rare b-b-books?”

Edvin swallowed, trying to get his brain to keep up with the cover conversation, but… but no. Failure. Sensation overload.

Leo said something else about first editions and Morocco bindings that a currently dormant part of Edvin recognized would have normally made him light up inside, but at the moment, his insides were too busy trembling with all the erotic currents that arced out from his beautifully abused nipples to all sorts of erogenous zones, some of which he hadn’t realized existed before. Yes, he was hard, but it felt like his whole body had an erection, and he couldn’t concentrate on what Leo was saying about books, because all he could hear was what Leo had said before.

I want to play with you. Let me watch. Be my hands.

And with Leo’s eyes locked onto him, that sexy smirk in juxtaposition to his innocent words about the library project, it did feel like Leo was touching him. Like the hand Edvin slid down his own slim chest and splayed across his soft belly was Leo’s hand. That it was Leo’s fingers dipping under the waistband of his pajamas… helping him wriggle out of them… shucking aside Edvin’s Whovian underwear and finally, oh Lord, finally wrapping around his dripping erection where he needed it most.

He stroked the slim length in tandem with his prince, legs spread wide and bobbing fist lined up with the camera. Completely shameless because there just wasn’t room for that. Because Edvin didn’t have to think, he only had to do.

Leo was setting the pace, making the decisions, pushing Edvin higher and higher until he… until… oh Lord. It felt so dang good. Edvin was going to come.

“Leo,” he gasped, his balls pulling up tight as he watched Leo fist that gorgeous, thick cock of his on the too-little screen, too far away. Heat raced down Edvin’s spine like lightning as he mirrored every stroke, every thrust, every naughty little twist, until it was simply too much, unstoppable, until the glorious tension rising inside him had to break, and the only… only option was to… to—

“No,” Leo gritted out a split second before Edvin came, going still. “Stop.”

And holy royal decrees and domination, somehow Edvin… Edvin did. He’d been

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