Up for Heir - Stella Starling Page 0,71

his hands on his little librarian in person, but apparently, those would have to wait a bit longer, too. Hopefully, whatever the queen wanted to speak to him about wouldn’t take long, though.

“Your father and I have been meaning to talk to you,” Aubrey said, crossing the room to close the door on the now empty drawing room before turning back to face him. Her lips tipped up in a small smile. “But you know how hard it’s been to find a free moment this week.”

Leo chuckled, scrubbing a hand over his face. It was true. “Have any of our European neighbors not sent a delegation to come celebrate Rosavia’s anniversary with us?”

“It’s a testament to the good relations we’ve fostered with them,” Aubrey said, taking a seat and indicating that Leo should, too. “And Alphonse and I have both noticed that you’ve contributed to that this week, too, Leo. Thank you.” Her lips quirked up again. “It’s been a pleasant change.”

Leo almost bristled at that, but she was right—it was a change—so instead, he just laughed, sprawling down in an ornate chair across from her and huffing out a breath. “You’re welcome. It is oddly fulfilling, isn’t it? Also exhausting, though.”

“I’ve always thought so,” she said, giving him a broader smile touched with fondness. “On both counts.” Then she delicately cleared her throat, pinning him with a stern look that was all queen, and subtly straightened her already perfect posture. “But one of the ways your father and I have sustained our enthusiasm for the duties of the crown has been by relying on each other for… support. And on that note, we wanted to talk to you about your duty, as heir, to marry.”

Leo’s mouth tightened. He hadn’t discussed the subject with the king and queen since telling them that Eddie was his choice over breakfast a couple of weeks ago, but after Eddie had spent the night in his suite the weekend before, he’d had Hugo inform the palace’s event planning staff that the Bloms would be at the Royal Ball and that arrangements should be made to make the official engagement announcement.

Clearly, word of that had filtered back to the queen.

“As you directed, Mother, I’ll be announcing my engagement to Edvin Blom on Sunday,” he said, his spine stiffening as he straightened in his chair.

“At the Royal Ball,” she added, pinning him with a look that made it perfectly clear that “queen” was far more than a ceremonial title. As if there had ever been any doubt. Aubrey van Rosavia was used to being obeyed.

Leo raised an eyebrow. “Yes. If you’ll recall, that was your requirement.”

She held his gaze for a moment, then unexpectedly sighed, shaking her head. “Oh, Leo. Yes, I do recall. And it’s possible… it’s possible that your father and I were hasty in pushing for that.” She held up a hand to hold off any interruption, her lips quirking up again. “Don’t get me wrong, it is important, as heir, that you provide the people of Rosavia with the assurance of taking a spouse, but as we’ve talked about before—” over the breakfast where they’d called Eddie an “unacceptable” choice, “—it’s even more important that you make the right choice. That you choose someone who truly is a support to you.”

“Which is why I’m choosing Eddie,” Leo said tightly.

“Alphonse and I haven’t even met him,” his mother said, frowning. “And we’d both like to have some confidence that you’ll be sharing the throne with someone who can truly be what both you and Rosavia need.”

Eddie may have come from a far less worldly background, but his steady, loyal nature and unflagging determination to find a way through every challenge were the perfect counterbalance to Leo’s impulsive, charm-reliant approach to life. He was exactly what Leo needed, and Leo had every confidence that Eddie would be good for Rosavia, too. “I know you don’t like that he’s a commoner, Mother,” he started. “But—”

“No,” Aubrey said, cutting him off. “Alphonse and I have discussed that and… well, let’s just say that we’ve realized our thinking may have been a bit outdated on the issue. But what we haven’t changed our minds on is wanting what’s best for you, Leo. For Rosavia, of course, but I mean also for you as our son.”

Leo’s eyes unexpectedly prickled, and when the queen leaned forward and took both his hands in hers, his chest started to feel tight.

“As your parents, we want you to find someone who will

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