Up for Heir - Stella Starling Page 0,63

of him as he clenched around Leo’s cock.

But it wasn’t enough, not to get him there quickly, so Leo forced himself to sit back, get on his knees, grab Eddie’s hips and reposition him. Estimate the angle he’d need to find his prostate again, and—

“Oh,” Eddie gasped, his eyes popping open and his head snapping up. Then his eyelids fluttered and his mouth fell open and the most beautiful, full-body shudder rippled through him… and Leo’s world shifted once again.

Control was no longer an issue. He could fuck like this forever. Driving deep. Giving his man what he needed. Living forever in those long moans and gorgeous sighs. Pushing Eddie as high as he could go, and then taking him higher.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, lifting Eddie’s leg up to his shoulder and pressing a kiss against his calf. “Perfect, darling,” he whispered, leaning forward until Eddie was almost bent in half and thrusting hard, nailing his prostate. “That’s it,” he ground out when Eddie gasped, his cock bouncing and hands fisting the duvet as his whole body tightened at once. “That’s it, love, come for me again.”

Eddie’s whimpered, eyes popping open, and he reached for his cock.

“No,” Leo gritted out as his balls drew up tight. He captured Eddie’s hand and drove into him hard, needing… needing it to happen now, but needing it to be from him. “Just come, love. Come for me. Come on my cock.”

“Leo,” Eddie blurted, body bowing forward as he gave Leo exactly what he wanted. “Oh God, oh Lord, oh fu-fu-fudgcicles. Leo, h-h-holy blueberries, I-I-I-I unnnnngggggghhhhhhhh. Leo.”

His channel clamped down, thick cream spurting out to coat his chest as he gasped, practically sobbing, and kept repeating Leo’s name as Leo fucked him through every rippling, exquisite wave of it.

He’d done it. Come just for Leo. Was panting Leo’s name.

And that, even more than the way Eddie’s ass was so perfectly milking Leo’s cock or the beautifully tortured look of pleasure on his face, was Leo’s undoing.

Eddie was his. Leo had given him this. And if Leo could do that, then someday, maybe he could master the art of loving him, too.

“Darling,” he groaned, hips stuttering as he lost a battle he no longer wanted to fight and flooded the condom with his seed, gathering Eddie up against him. Holding him close as Eddie’s spend smeared on both of them. Wrapping him in his arms and burying his face against his warm, salty skin as he gasped out the last of his release… pumped himself dry… emptied himself completely.

Except for his heart.

With Eddie in his arms, Leo could already tell, his heart would never feel empty again.

Chapter Twelve


“Hans is here,” Maja whispered as Edvin was walking past the circulation desk.

He automatically cringed at the mention of his ex-boyfriend’s name, but they both worked for the Royal Library, so it wasn’t like he could avoid Hans forever. Thankfully, they worked in different buildings, because ever since their breakup, crossing paths with him inevitably put a damper on Edvin’s day. It never seemed to be enough for Hans to have simply broken up with Edvin when he’d been done with him. He always had to go a little out of his way to exert his superiority, too, as if he got off on rubbing Edvin’s nose in what Edvin couldn’t have.

Not, of course, that Edvin wanted him back. Not anymore, at least.

He glanced around, hoping to catch sight of Hans so he could scamper off in the other direction.

Maja jerked her chin toward the director’s office. “He’s in there, but I doubt you’ll be able to dodge him. That donation we got last week has him all hot and bothered, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to try to rope you into helping with some of the restoration.”

She waggled her eyebrows at “hot and bothered,” and under other circumstances Edvin might have snickered about it with her, because she was right. It was a huge coup that they’d received that particular set of rare books, and Hans did get strangely aroused by things like that—not by the books themselves, but by anything he thought might reflect favorably on his status and prestige as Head Curator for the Royal Library’s Rosarian Historical Archives—but the idea that Hans might pull Edvin into working with him again made Edvin’s stomach cramp too much to find her little dig at his ex funny.

“Maybe I can d-d-dodge him?” Edvin said, even though it was unlikely. When Hans wanted something, he was like a

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