Hearts Entwined (Victorian Love #3) - M.A. Nichols Page 0,91

courtship with Mr. Dosett.”

Phyllis stepped back to Victoria’s side, waving away the words with a tisk before taking her two friends by the arms. “There is no need for us to return to that tired subject. No harm was done, and I do not fault you for your actions. Had I been in your shoes, I don’t think I would have been so circumspect in snatching him away.”

Though she’d received such reassurances over the past sennight and a half, Victoria’s conscience would not leave her be. Whatever else, she wouldn’t allow this desperation to twist her into a heartless monster, even if the weight of it threatened to crush her. Steeling her spine, Victoria kept herself upright, her gaze traveling through the crowd for the eligible bachelors.

Chapter 32

“Good evening, ladies!” Lily Kingsley swept into their group with her usual smile and burst of energy. Light shone in her eyes, and she fairly danced in place when she joined Victoria and the others. “The ball is magnificent, Hettie. I’ve never seen such gorgeous decorations.”

Hettie’s lids lowered, and she nodded her thanks but remained silent. For her part, Phyllis looked at anyone other than the young lady standing before them, though her hold on Victoria’s arm tightened.

“You are in high spirits tonight,” said Victoria, her smile broadening; it was impossible not to smile when presented with such a picture of excitement.

“Tonight may be the most perfect night of my life,” said Lily with a sigh.

Victoria’s brows rose, though her grin did not falter. “That is a strong claim.”

Sucking in her lips, Lily bit them, her cheeks glowing cherry red. Her eyes sparkled and that frenetic energy threatened to lift her right off the ground. “I have an admirer.”

Victoria blinked at that announcement. It took far too long for her thoughts to coalesce, but releasing Phyllis’s arm, she swept Lily into an embrace, her heart lifting at the news. “Congratulations, Lily! You must tell us all.”

Once free of Victoria’s hold, Lily blushed again. “I’m not ready to speak of it. I had thought myself beneath his notice, but he left me a note and a token that spoke of his feelings. I have reason to hope he will renew his addresses in person tonight.”

“You must introduce us,” said Victoria, glancing around as though a mere look would produce the gentleman.

Biting her lips together in an attempt to control her beaming grin, Lily said, “You are already acquainted with him.”

Eyes widening, Victoria took Lily’s hands and squeezed them tight. “He is a guest of the Nelsons’?”

Lily’s lips twisted as she nibbled on them. “I’ve said too much already—”

Phyllis snorted, drawing Lily’s attention, who blinked at her friend with a twisted brow. For her part, Victoria chose to ignore it. The tension between her friends had been growing over the past weeks, and Victoria was heartily sick of it.

Victoria clung to Lily’s hands, wishing there were more ways to describe the joy she felt at that news. “I told you it would happen, Lily. It was only a matter of time before some special gentleman snatched you up.”

“So very special,” echoed Phyllis, though her tone held nothing but frost.

Lily’s gaze darted to Phyllis, her brows drawing tight together. “Pardon?”

But no reply came. With a narrowed look, Phyllis held her gaze as Lily shrank before their eyes. With a murmured excuse, the young lady scurried away, and Phyllis took Victoria’s arm again with a smirk. Pulling free, Victoria whirled around to face her friend.

“This has gone on long enough, Phyllis. Neither Lily nor her brother is at fault for what has passed between us,” said Victoria. “I will not stand by and watch you treat her so shabbily.”

“You cannot be serious. I never welcomed Lily’s company when we were children, and I did not say a word when you insisted on including her because you and Mr. Kingsley were courting. I suffered countless hours of listening to that incessant chatterbox go on about all the useless details of her life because of you—”

“Perhaps we ought to have this discussion after tempers cool,” said Hettie, coming to stand at Phyllis’s side.

“I am not in a temper,” replied Victoria. “But neither will I remain silent when you abuse my friend in such a fashion.”

“I am your friend!” said Phyllis, jabbing a finger to her own chest.

Victoria nodded but added, “And so is Lily.”

That was met with wide eyes and a wider gape as Phyllis stared at her. Hettie glanced between the pair, though Victoria wasn’t certain what the

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