Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,86

with the lace on his shoe. “That’s an ambitious goal. Let me know how it works for you.”

“Will do.”

“Ah, Blue. You’re here,” Viktor said as he entered the room.

Blue’s eyes snapped open. She hopped off the couch to greet Viktor. “Niko said you were working, or I would have spoken with you right away. I was just having a drink. Can I get you anything?”

“Nyet. I am good.” He rounded his favorite chair and took a seat. “Tell me about your evening.”

She sat in the chair next to his. “Raven made contact with someone about the fighting rings. It was only an initial offer, but we should know more by this evening.”

His eyebrows popped up, deepening the wrinkles in his brow. Viktor was by no means an old man, even in Shifter years. He was what she considered seasoned—a man with years of experience behind his pale winter eyes. She imagined he’d once had coal-black hair, but now it was mostly silver with dark undertones. The lines at the corners of his eyes revealed the laughter and tragedy in his life. His Greek nose gave him character, and his lips only spoke truth—even if she didn’t understand a word of Russian. His culture was threaded into his being after hundreds of years living there, and she couldn’t fathom how difficult it must have been for him to uproot his life, move to a new country, and learn a new language.

“I filled Claude in,” Blue continued. “And Wyatt needs to keep an eye on her tracker.”

“This is excellent news.” Viktor heaved a sigh, and with that, his spirit seemed lighter. “I may enjoy a celebratory drink after all.”

He made a motion to get up, but Blue was already halfway across the room, pouring a small glass of vodka. He worked tirelessly to keep this organization running, so it was the least she could do.

She handed Viktor the glass.


Blue returned to her chair and leaned on the armrest. “Wyatt can disregard what he saw last night. That was just a rendezvous point to meet her contact.”

While Viktor sipped his drink, Shepherd entered the room with Hunter on his shoulders. His snug white T-shirt had a small red stain on the front. Hunter gobbled down the rest of his strawberry before wiping his fingers on Shepherd’s shirt. His pant leg was riding up on one side.

“Nice socks,” Blue said, noticing the hot-pink knee-highs.

Hunter smiled proudly as Shepherd lifted him up and set him down on the sofa. His shoes began blinking the moment they made contact with the cushion.

“Isn’t it a little early for drinks?” Shepherd asked, noticing the two glasses in the room.

“We’re celebrating,” Viktor informed him. “Raven made progress on her mission.”

Shepherd crossed the room toward the liquor cabinet and opened a drawer where he kept his cigarettes. After striking a match and lighting one up, he ambled toward the divider wall and rested against one of the open archways. “So you don’t need me in the club anymore?”

“There is no need,” Viktor replied, putting relief on Shepherd’s face. “But keep yourself available. I do not know what comes next. I presume Raven will meet with her contact, but she must have enough evidence that we can move in and capture. I want everyone close to home.”

Shepherd made a donut ring with his smoke and blew the rest toward the ceiling. “Are you sending in Regulators, or will we do this the old-fashioned way?”

Viktor tapped his fingers against his glass. “We shall see. I need her to identify as many people as she can who are involved. Witnesses will strengthen our case.”

“So will video cameras,” Blue noted. “How much do you want to bet they film these little events and have private viewings to get new clients interested?”

Viktor sipped his vodka. “That would be even better.”

Shepherd gazed up at the windows, the cigarette wedged between his scarred fingers. “I love a good raid.”

Hunter got up from the couch and wandered around. His schooling would start after breakfast, so Shepherd liked to spend time with him before then. Things were finally amicable between Shepherd and Switch. At first she’d thought the two might beat the hell out of each other, but they’d worked out a routine. Fathering was a new gig for Shepherd, one he didn’t take lightly. Blue could see him struggling with his affections, and he looked wistful whenever someone else gave Hunter a hug or kiss. But he had no problem calling anyone out who went against his rules

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