Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,68

purple hair? I find Raven to be a bit of a maverick.”

“You almost sound like you care.”

“I care about my life, and if she does something foolish to jeopardize this case, it puts all our lives in danger.”

“Rest assured, Raven knows what she’s doing.”

Lenore sighed and crossed her legs. “I heard there was trouble at the club last night. That’s another reason I’m here. I hope for your sake she has it under control.” Her eyes skated down to Christian’s tattoo and lingered. “You seem enthralled by her. I have no say over the Vampire you’ve become, I only hope you one day realize that love makes you weak. I’m guessing you know that already or you wouldn’t have gone to see her when she’s undercover. Tell me, why did you agree so quickly to guard me?”

He stroked his beard. “I know you wouldn’t do anything to compromise your safety or reputation. Because of your involvement, I can trust you with this mission. That doesn’t mean I trust you entirely. I never will. You betrayed me.”

Lenore gazed at a lantern on the wall. “One must do whatever necessary to protect oneself. Look at it this way, it made you less trusting. Maybe that’s what you needed. You were so young. So naive. Everything that happened in your past has led you here. Can you honestly say you regret it?”

“No one was more loyal to you. No one.”

She met eyes with him. “Oh, Chrissy. Not a day went by where I didn’t wonder if I’d acted hastily. But digging you up would have been far worse. I knew by then you had turned that devotion into hate, and had I let you out, you would have killed me. I thought about sending someone to put you out of your misery, but it was too risky. Tell me, I’ve heard stories from those who spent years underground. Is there really a point you reach true sleep? Where all the thoughts vanish and you lose sense of consciousness?”

“Pray you never learn firsthand.”

Lenore touched her chin and disappeared in her thoughts, her hair just as lovely as ever. Christian remembered how it lit up in the sun as if it were an extension of light.

“I’m inclined to find Viktor a match,” she said absently. “He’s a powerful man with connections. He needs to work on his grammar, but he is very careful with choosing his words around the right people. Not many are. Handsome, wealthy, polite—all the qualities a woman looks for.” She admonished Christian with a glance. “Don’t scoff at the idea. You know as well as I do that the only immortals who survive long-term are the ones who either remain single or mate strategically.”

“Don’t be daft. Viktor can’t operate a company like Keystone and have a mate.”

“You do.”

“We’re not officially mated, if that’s what you’re getting at. But even if we were, both Raven and I work for Keystone. If Viktor found a wife, he would have to either keep her out of the house and away from our secrets or involve her in them. The latter poses more risks. What woman is willing to risk a memory wipe that spans decades if the marriage goes wrong? Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph.”

“And if Raven leaves? Does she also get a memory wipe?”

Christian clenched his jaw.

“Are you telling me you two have engaged in a relationship that may one day be doomed to erasure?” Lenore threw back her head and laughed quietly. Then she tapped her chin and regarded him for a minute. “I’ve underestimated you, old friend. Knowing the risks, you still took them. That’s admirable. But things don’t always work out as planned. It’s just a shame you’ve marked your body. You’ll always carry that reminder if something happens or she leaves you, but you know that already.”

“As I said, I’ll guard you for as long as Viktor commands, but not a minute longer.”

“Do you always do what Viktor asks you to do?”


“Interesting,” she replied obliquely.

“Let’s just keep this businesslike.” He stood from his chair. “One skill I learned in my last job is there’s no place for idle chat. When you guard a person, it’s not your job to provide entertainment. It’s a distraction, and you wouldn’t want anything distracting me, now would you?”

She laced her fingers together. “You’re absolutely right. Distractions are a weak spot.”

Christian headed for the door. “I’ll just be packing my bag.”


He gripped the doorknob but didn’t look back.

“It’s good having you at my side again.

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