Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,54

or even my swollen eye beneath my mask.

I began rocking back and forth as if an invisible man were penetrating me.

“Uh, Robin?” Flynn took my arm to help me up.

I lowered my head to his hand and smelled his skin. Dark desire consumed me, and I moaned.

“Simone!” Flynn yelled. “Get the bloody hell over here!”

Hearing his panic made me pull myself up. “I need to go,” I whispered. But when I took a step, I collapsed in his arms.

And he felt so… damn… good.

I toddled against the bar and knocked over a beer bottle. All I could do was lean over the bar and grip the other side.

“What’s wrong with her?” Simone asked.

I tried to look, but it was as if I were watching television and they didn’t exist.

Simone rested her hand on my arm, and her eyes widened. “Who touched her?”

Flynn shook his head. “No one. She was talking to me one minute, and the next she’s on the floor, begging for it. I get that a lot, by the way.”

When Simone touched me again, she hissed and clutched her hand to her chest. “What was she doing before this happened?”

“Talking. Drinking.”

“Drinking what?”

He bent over and dipped out of sight. Then he set my empty glass on the bar.

Simone lifted to her nose and sniffed it. She touched the inside, but there was no reaction until she licked her finger. Then she flew toward the sink and rinsed her mouth out.

With my cheek against the bar, I closed my eyes as carnal images filled my head. It was as if I could feel every experience at once. There was no resisting the desire that clutched me in its arms. Shutting it off was an exercise in futility, and my sexual appetite was growing by the second. Behind my flushed chest, my heart raced like a hummingbird.

Simone huffed. “Where did this bottle come from?”

Then I heard the glug-glug sound of liquid going down the drain.

“The whole damn bottle,” she said grimly. “And she had a glass? I wouldn’t even serve a thimbleful of that swill. Someone’s going to get fired for this, and it’s not me.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“And what’s that supposed to mean, Flynn?” She chucked the bottle into the trash.

“The new girl’s cutting in on your tips. You didn’t like Lizzy either. For that matter, you didn’t like Roe.”

“If you think I had something to do with their disappearance, you can kiss my ass.”

“Maybe Rena’s selling on the side.”

“It takes a powerful Sensor to put that kind of magic in a whole bottle. Rena’s weak; that’s why she has fewer customers.”

I started making out with the bar. My tongue polished that wood like it was Christian’s cock. If there was a tiny voice in my head trying to reason with me, someone had gagged it.

Flynn pulled me off the bar and onto the floor. “We can’t let anyone see her like this. How long does it take to wear off?”

“You’re asking me something I don’t know.”

“You’re a Sensor. This is your specialty.”

“Dark magic isn’t my specialty, and I don’t know how much she drank.”

Standing next to me, Simone looked like a skyscraper, and all I could see were her beautiful, dark legs. I rolled to my side and pressed my lips against her ankle. The urge to taste her blood hit me hard, but I managed to keep my fangs retracted.

How long would that last? I was unraveling with each passing moment.

Claude craned his neck and looked down at me from across the bar. “My nose is burning. What’s wrong with that female?”

Simone threw my glass into the trash. “She drank pure sensory magic. Undiluted.”

“And a lot of it,” Flynn added. “The sex stuff.”

“You can’t let her walk home in this condition,” Claude growled.

Simone stepped away from me and leaned against the bar. “Hey, new guy. Do you know where she lives? Because none of us do.”

He mashed his lips together.

“Get back to your tables and let us handle this,” she ordered him. “Flynn, pick her up.”

“And do what?”

“We’ll put her in room twelve until it wears off… or closing time. Whichever comes first.”

“Something tells me she’ll be coming first,” he muttered, hoisting me to my feet.

I moaned against the feel of his hard body and clutched him to me.

“Someone’s feeling randy.” He led me away from the bar. “Stand back,” he barked at a man encroaching on our space. “Unless you want vomit on your shoes, clear a path for the sickly woman.”

Flynn dragged me through

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