Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,131

building’s address.

The door opened.

He chortled in disbelief. “What a bunch of idiots.”

Christian stepped inside the small closet. “Is this your idea of a joke? You insipid little—”

The door closed, and Wyatt heard a whoosh.

“Hope you don’t end up in a pie.”

Viktor’s wolf barked to get Wyatt’s attention. Then he picked up the gun belt in his mouth and trotted into the stairwell. Viktor’s wolf wanted to go back up to the lobby, but Wyatt had more work to do—like opening the second exterior door to let Keystone through.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay down here and guard me?”

The wolf pounced into the elevator and turned in a circle. Wyatt pushed the button for the lobby and then hauled ass toward the control room. Keystone was still a ways from their destination, and if he didn’t hurry and get to that control panel…

Just when he passed the secret elevator, it chimed, and the doors opened.

Chapter 30

After quickly assessing my predicament in the ring, I decided that even if I had wings, I wouldn’t have flown to the upper viewing area. Going alone would be suicide, and I liked my life too much to waste it on these trolls. Now that I was barefoot, I might have a fighting chance at climbing up the slide. Or at least far enough to be out of reach. Then I’d have to wait it out.

I bolted toward the dark hole. When I’d nearly reached it, Christian came flying out with his legs spread open. He scissored my neck, and I fell flat on my back. The crowd gasped, but I was beyond caring about their tepid reactions with Christian’s crotch in my face.

I shoved him off me and coughed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Christian got on all fours. “Jaysus wept. I think I just relived my birth.” He looked up at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Is this a bloodbath in here?”

I tucked my bloody hair behind my ears. “Now isn’t the time for your puns. I’m not going to ask why you came down that way, but I sure as hell hope that the rest of the team isn’t behind you. That wolf is about to break out of his chains, and this crowd is thirsty for blood. Now we’re both going to die.”

He stood up and dusted off his pants. “First of all, the odds of my survival are better than yours. Worry not, lass. I’ll be sure he doesn’t devour all your remains.”

I glanced at the gate, but Audrey wasn’t there.

“Catch me up to speed,” Christian said, nearing my side. “I’m a wee bit confused as to why all these shitebags are dressed up for Halloween.”

“Welcome to fight club, starring us. I thought you were busy guarding Lenore the Whore?”

“I pulled out early.”

“Sounds about right.”

Christian swaggered over to the wall and hefted a spiked club. Then he moved toward the wolf, who still had the bag over his head.

“Don’t hurt him.” I gave Christian a scolding look.

“Are you afflicted in some way? The chains won’t hold him for long.” Christian hurled the club into the crowd, and it struck someone in the head. They fell backward, yet no one ran screaming. Some even applauded. “We need to get up there.”

“Armed with what?”

Christian tossed an axe at me, and I caught it before it accidentally severed my arm. “Gird your loins, lass. We’re storming the gates.”


He erased the distance between us. “Do you trust me?”

“I’m going to regret saying yes, aren’t I?”

Christian winked and stood next to me. I looked down as he slid his hand between my legs from behind and gripped my sex nice and tight. His other hand flattened on my chest, and the next thing I knew, he was hurling me into the stands.

A shriek escaped my lips as I soared through the air with an axe in my hand. When I realized I was going to fall short of the ledge, I let go of the axe and grabbed the wall for dear life. Before my weight pulled me down, I threw my leg over and climbed up.

“Your aim sucks!” I yelled at him without looking back.

Masked faces retreated, and someone said, “This isn’t allowed.”

Banking on the assumption that these were prissy little aristocrats who couldn’t throw a punch, I sharpened my light and kept my cool. When I spotted the victim of Christian’s club toss, I pulled the spiked weapon from her skull, and her mask fell away. Chestnut hair spilled

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