Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,123

an unmarked building. The distance was noted, so he compared it to a city map and located the entry point.

“Change of plans,” he announced. “Pay attention. There’s an underground chamber below the basement level. The equivalent of maybe fifteen stories. Shep, take us to the Green Door.”

Shepherd flicked his cigarette butt out the window. “What the hell for?”

“Raven’s not in the basement.” He kept his eyes on the blueprint, memorizing the layout and zooming in to see where it all led. “She’s way underground. Deeper than the specters like to go. And if you’d prefer to take the same route she did, I might as well write up your obituary now.”

He braced his feet when Shepherd hit the gas. Wyatt spun the laptop around so everyone could see. “There’s a secret entrance. See this long tunnel? It leads to the Green Door. It looks like someone built it back in the twenties. There was a period when Breed went underground and they built elaborate tunnels and structures. The earth is stable down there. Lots of caverns and streams.”

“Enough with the geology,” Viktor said. “What is your plan?”

“According to this blueprint, there’s a cellar door in the basement of the club. That’s your way in. There’ll be a lot of steps or staircases, but all you have to do is take the tunnel straight to the end.”

“What’s at the end?” Niko asked with a look of concern.

“It looks like an arena. The main tunnel branches in a few places, but all those were sealed up years ago. Probably to hide what they’ve been doing down there. You’ll have two doors or gates to get through. Probably heavy and probably locked. But who knows? If there’s a fight going on down there, they might have it open for their customers. This might be the main route. Maybe the animal shelter is an emergency exit.”

“Any security cameras down there?” Blue asked.

Wyatt shook his head and spun the laptop back around to look at it again. “It’s hard to say. They don’t usually run electricity that deep since it attracts attention. If they have security cameras, then they might. A couple of you are good at picking locks, so that should get you through the doors.”

Gem finished putting her hair up in two tight buns. “Aren’t you coming along?”

“Negative. I’m going back to the auction house to hack into any security systems. Now that we know they’re not in the basement, it might be easier for me to break in. I need to access their computer files, paper files, and any security footage. And don’t try to guilt-trip me. Remember what happened during the Valencia bust?”

Claude groaned and sat back. “They incinerated all the evidence.”

“Exactly.” Wyatt continued analyzing the image while Shepherd tried to kill them with his sharp turns. “We’re not making that mistake again. If we have any runners, they’ll use the main tunnel. You guys should be able to contain them.”

“Is that the only tunnel?” Blue asked.

“There’s another circling the main room, but all of them dead-end at some point. I’ll probably die breaking into the auction house, but if I don’t, there’ll be a lot of rooms to search.”

“I’ll go with you,” Viktor said. “Brief everyone on the layout.”

Wyatt blew out a breath. Admittedly, he got a natural high whenever he cracked a code or got his hands on secret information. He’d put out a request on the black market for the complete blueprints, but who was this User 24267? Haggling for fair trade was part of the dance. Viktor even set aside money for just these occasions, but this person hadn’t asked for anything. That was a twist he didn’t see coming.

He studied the layout closely and then spun the laptop around. “Once you’re past the two doors or gates, you’ll reach a crossing at a dead end.”

Claude squinted at the screen. “Which way do we go?”

“A staircase to the right leads to an open viewing area on the second level. Going left will eventually lead to what looks like a holding room or dungeon. I wouldn’t go that way.”

“I wonder if anyone else is down there,” Shepherd said. “Do you think they’re running a fight, or is this just a tour?”

“This is no longer a sneak attack,” Wyatt said, making air quotes. “If this is more than a tour, Raven’s in the middle of it. You might as well go in assuming the worst-case scenario. The redhead will be somewhere in the crowd. I doubt she’s in the

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