Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,104

players in this city, Lenore. How many people do you think would respect you shacking up with Viktor Kazan?”

Her eyes danced with amusement, and she stood. White milk cascaded down her pale body, her nipples the darkest feature about her aside from her eyes. It would be impossible for any man not to notice she was shaved smooth between her legs.

Lenore slowly stepped out of the tub and finished her absinthe. She wasn’t making sexual advances for a reason. In her mind, every man’s weakness boiled down to two things: a beautiful woman and power. She craftily wielded her sexuality, making sure she never gave anyone too much, always leaving them wanting for more.

And they always wanted for more.

But Christian was wise to her tactics. He flicked a tiny washcloth at her. “I’ve had my share of gorgeous women since we last met. There’s nothing you can show me that I haven’t seen a hundred times over. Dark, light, tall, large—they’re all flowers in a garden, and you’re just one of many. Nothing about you impresses me anymore. I don’t covet your body, and I sure as shite won’t allow you to use it on Viktor.”

“You may have walked in the garden, but I’m a flower you haven’t plucked.” She set down her glass and glided toward him. Droplets of pale milk dripped from her fingertips and left a messy trail on the blue tile. When she reached him, she tipped her head to the side and gazed deep. So deep that Christian redirected his attention on her pointy chin. “I’m curious what entices you these days. Certainly not looks, and it can’t be blood. Mage blood is weaker than Vampire blood, so that wouldn’t be enough to bond you to her. It’s not power, and it certainly isn’t money based on her dreadful circumstances. Oh, Chrissy. Is this really the life you imagined for yourself?”

“This is the life I made for myself. There’s a difference.”

Christian could hear all the droplets of milk splashing against the floor, the steady beat of her heart, and even the wet sound of her licking her lips.

“This feels so familiar,” she said. “You and I are the same. Leave Keystone, and I will give you power, money, and protection—anything you desire. You won’t have to hide in the shadows anymore. Everyone in this city will know who Christian Poe is. What you do for Viktor is respectable, but they’re not your family, and he’s certainly not raising you to the level that you deserve.”

“I have other commitments,” Christian pointed out. No job was forever, and he knew better than to get emotionally attached to Keystone. Though he had no intention of accepting her offer, the temptation lingered. Not for her, but for something he’d never had—her approval. Why had he ever allowed himself to love Lenore Parrish? He felt like a dog kicked repeatedly by its master that keeps coming back, hoping for a scratch behind the ear.

Lenore straightened a wrinkle on his shirt. “You’ll have to leave her behind as well.”

Christian tensed.

“You can’t love her, Chrissy. A Vampire’s heart is too black and not made for love. We can’t feel the way they do, because the ancient blood in our veins forbids it. Love is insidious, and now that you’re older, you understand this more.” She jerked his wrist when he tried to move back. “Have you ever seen an ancient with a life mate? No, because it can’t be done. I can be with you or I can be with Viktor. Either way, I gain a strong alliance. You need to ask yourself how far you want to get ahead in this life. Love held you back the first time—don’t let it happen again by making the wrong choice.”

Christian didn’t even flinch. “Never. Keystone won’t always be here, and I’m bright enough to have figured that one out. But I won’t sacrifice Raven for anything. Not even your empty promises.”

“They’re not empty. You know what I’m capable of when I put my mind to it.”

He shook his head. “She’s the only thing I’ve got that makes me feel like a man and not a monster. I’ll not give her up.”

“I wonder if she wouldn’t give you up after I make my advances on Viktor. Think about what might happen if Viktor finds out that you harbor resentment toward his new mate. When he tosses you out, do you think Raven would give up Keystone for you? If you love her, you won’t

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