Heartless (Alpha Bodyguard #9) - Sybil Bartel Page 0,58

clientele. There was a woman in the lobby loitering, anything like that.” He looked to Harm. “What happened with her?”

“She went to the pool area, then we lost track of her,” Harm answered.

I didn’t know sex could be like that. Fucking, he’d called it, but it felt like more.

Ronan glanced at Tyler. “Anything else happen with the incident at the loading dock?”

“Just an unscheduled delivery that was a day early,” Tyler replied. “Delivery driver and company checked out.”

Ty said something, but my mind left their conversation.

All I could think about was him.

More than any sparring session, completely different than pouring my heart out through my words on stage, Ronan’s body inside mine, leaving his seed, it did something to me.

I was different now.

I could feel it, taste it, breathe it, but I couldn’t explain it.

I only knew one thing.

I was his.

My heart, my soul, they were his now, and I was never getting them back. I had been in love with Ronan Conlon all my life, but this? This was so much more.

This was connection.

Threads woven together like melodies intertwined with harmonies, I was connected to him as sure as my lungs drew air and my heart pumped blood, and I wanted to sing about it. I wanted to write words about it, this feeling I couldn’t explain. But I also didn’t want to share. I didn’t want my fans to have a piece of what I was feeling now.

I didn’t want to share it with anyone except him.

I wanted to tell him everything I was feeling, but nothing I could say would be big enough, and no words would undo what he’d said about any other intended consequence. My heart wanted to cry while my body wanted more, and I didn’t know which end was up. Adrift, without thinking, I searched out his beautiful eyes. Then it happened.

The connection I was feeling wove tighter.

Because the second I looked up, his intense gaze met mine.

Amber brown and sea green, there was an ocean full of depth in his eyes, but more, a new light swirled, and I knew as sure as my next heartbeat that he saw my thoughts.

Ever so slightly, he lifted his chin and gave me a Ronan-style public display of affection.

My heart fluttered, and my soul soared toward the heavens above.

This was it.

This was how it should’ve always been.

I loved him, I was in love with him, I’d never stopped loving him—one of them, all of them, it didn’t matter. I smiled. He was mine.

“Darling?” Vance clipped. “Don’t you agree?”

My love’s eyes darkened as his gaze cut briefly to his brother’s.

“Agree to what?” I didn’t apologize for not having been listening to the conversation. Ronan had said no more apologizing.

“That staying is the better option, even though my brother wants to move you?” Vance asked impassively in a tone I knew all too well from him.

“We want to move her,” Ty corrected Vance.

Ronan stared at me.

Harm scanned the suite and the balcony.

Smiling, his arms crossed, Tyler looked from Vance to Ronan and back again as if watching a tennis match.

Vance played hardball. “We’re not moving her. Not unless she wants to be relocated,” he added, as if I’d actually have a choice if five bodyguards decided they were moving me.

Ronan’s gaze never left mine. “Sanaa,” he stated in the same quiet, commanding tone he’d used when it was just the two of us only moments ago.

My core pulsed, and my womb ached as if it was too empty, and I wanted to drop to my knees for him for reasons I couldn’t begin to explain. But then I remembered every reason why his brother and I had come here, and I couldn’t ignore my instincts.

“I think it’s better to stay.” I spared Vance a glance before looking back at Ronan. Then I rushed to explain. “Not because I think Vance is right and you’re wrong. Simply because the bomber knows I’m here.” I carefully didn’t say we in front of the other men. “It should draw him out now. We’re closer than we’ve ever been, and the sooner we catch him, the better.”

“Absolutely agree,” Vance added. “We’d be starting over at another location, and we’re running out of time before she has to be back in London.”

“Yeah, great plan, Conlon.” Ty snorted. “Because we all know how much importance you put on her safety.”

Harm turned away from the window and somehow managed to look at all of us without making eye contact with any one person. “She’s

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